Bear with me, the updates are coming to this page every chance that I get. Unfortunately, my classes have been taking up quite a bit of my time and I have not been able to keep the page updated. Last Updated: Thursday, April 22, 1999.

Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS) is a rare congenital vascular disorder that affects one or more limbs in an individual. It was first noted by two Frech doctors, Klippel and Trenaunay in 1900. The doctors discribed KTS by explaining the "triad" of symptoms commonly seen in patients with this disorder. These symptoms include cutaneus capillary hemangioma, bone and/or soft tissue hypertrophy and an increased frequency of varicose veins.

The symptoms commonly seen in KTS are described in detail within the set of links below. These links include definitions and pictures to better illustrate some of the symptoms of KTS.

My Written Report:

This page is a copy of my written report for my Seniot seminar at Baldwin Wallace College. I presented this seminat in November of 1998.

Hemangioma, Port Wine Stain, or Nevus

A brief description of the discoloration symptom in KTS.


An increase in length and/or diameter in KTS.

Varicose Veins

An explanation of how varicose veins occur.

Affected Veins

In many cases, professionals use the names of veins in the their research. This page has pictures and labels for several of the body's veins. A very good page for individuals wanting to understand which veins are affected by KTS.


Miscellaneous links and information.

The views and opinions of this website are strictly those of the author. Advice for medical treatment and further information about this disorder should be discussed with a medical profesional. Do not attempt to self-diagnose based on the information placed on this webpage. The page has been devolped for the purpose of distributing information about this disorder. The information was placed on this page is an interpretation of research collected by Mr. Matthew S. Nole for a Senior Biology project at Baldwin-Wallace College. The oral presentation was delivered on November 6, 1998. A grade of (A-) was earned for the efforts to uncover the facts and deliver them to an audience. The overall grade received on the seminar project was an A-.