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This is the spirituality page brought to you by Doyle Publications.... This page is entended to be an outlet of spiritual ideas and expressions. For this to work, you must always email me with your thoughts. Your thoughts will then be put up on this page for other people to read what you have written. The sharing of ideas is the key to understanding newfound knowledge.


by: Todd Doyle

Persuaded by the Will of Life, I've made all my decisions based upon certain spiritual principles. A deep sense of completeness comes from believing in something greater than one's self. That belief, in part, is what I call the Will of Life.

I acknowledged God's presence in my life when I was very young. His presence was felt every time I needed an answer. Sometimes, I didn't even realize there was something bothering me, until God revealed the solution (or the light out of the darkness I was in).

If you see people as spirits, you begin to see how all of a person's actions are perfect. They set examples, both good and bad, for everyone else to see and learn from.

God makes no mistakes. Our power to reason and make decisions places humans high above all other lifeforms. But I have a problem believing that because of that, we are somehow better than an ordinary animal.

I see every living thing as something special; something of value. To take another living life without remorse is just like setting a bomb to explode and not caring if it goes off in a school house full of children, or an open field void of human life. Something will still be destroyed.

As a society, people are sometimes misled and confused. Monetary value is placed on every aspect of a person's social status. Whether it is what kind of car you drive, your neighborhood, or your wardrobe. We each judge each other by material possessions.

You may say that a truck has "cancer" because it is ate up with rust all over the outside. But if you look inside at the driver, you would understand what it's like to be a walking miracle... when the driver of that rusty truck is your cousin, uncle, or family friend who has overcome all the odds set forth against him. He could be a person who has suffered many ailments, but is still doing great things.

People don't stop to think about how pointless it is to have money. If a person isn't content with who they are or the life they have, it doesn't matter how much money they have because they would still be lost and unhappy.

I have an idea in my head that lets me know what type of person I want to be. I want to be kind, caring, generous and compassionate. Because that's what the world needs. There is a "help wanted" sign for people who can make the world a better place. The pay may not be much, but the rewards and fulfillmentmay be all it takes for my soul, to find the peace it has been searching for. And that would definitely be a job worth having.

Take the time to live your life right. Don't make the ultimate mistake by taking your life for granted. Every day hold something special for your spirit. We are meant to learn something every single day of our existence. Ask yourself, "What have I learned today?" And hopefully, you will see the meaning, the divinity, of God's perfect plan.

God has plans for you and me... Divine Plans.