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Diane's Homepage

HelllooooOOOO!!! All you lovely people who actually bother to visit my crappy homepage..!! Thank you.. I am most grateful.. no really.. I am!! Eehehhe!!!

Ok.. so u lovely ppl know.. I am in london... had my first YEAR (already!!) at LSE.. woaahhh.. stressful!!! Way too many geeks for me man!! ahah... anyway.. its all good.. u learn to deal with it! hehe.. nah, made some reli awesome friends too.. n hey, i'll have reli gd connections when i'm done! Well anyway, I am back in KL 4 my summer hols.. its been hectic.. way more fun than ever b4.. clubs have gotten so much better.. Zouk, Velvet, Espanda, Blon, Savahn.. oh... partyyyyy!! But, been eating way too much.. its ok.. still dancing and erm.. visitin the gym occasionally.. hehe.. so ya.. eating lots and clubbing lots.. But ya.. went to Barcelona at the start of the hols.. then came back to KL n went to Bali and Langkawi too.. had sucha great time in Bali.. saw Azura, Hafiz, Claire, Rahman.. the whole gay man.. Club 66 baby.. i mean, it was awesome as many of us got totally hamerred.. thanks 2 the local drink known as Arak Madu.. madnesssss... quite a few ppl stripped off.. ahaha.. this club was amazing cuz it was huge n altho we were tourists, we got vip treatment baby.. I guess cuz we were like millionaires there.. Rupiah that is.. ahaha.. the club also had a massive pool outside.. so we all could swim when we were pissed out of our heads.. (slightly dangerous if u ask me) but hey.. it gets even better, they even had ppl bungy jumpin.. our friend Jack did it.. imagine if he puked on his way dw.. MADNESSS... wicked fun no doubt! Haha.. Langkawi was nice.. chilled tho.. went Go Kartin which was the only thing we did that was remotely interestin but we had some reli expensive food.. erm.. $60 for ice-cream.. yikes! and erm.. ya.. good fun tho..topped up my tan.. useful! N thats about it.. hopin to go to Perth & Melb. & Singapore b4 I leave for london 2! Will let u know how that all goes!

Hmmmm.. oh yes.. if ppl have seen my Cousin, Nick's website.. hmm.. he has managed to embaress me quite a few times!! Damn him.. just cuz I had a crazy time on his 20th b'day party.. it was wicked.. had so much to drink that i managed to amuse my cousins.. for like an hr.. i was so amusin that they even took a video of me.. i am scarred for life.. they'll surely play it on my marriage day! hilarious tho.. I was pretty funny! muahaha.. well, if ur lucky.. Nick might put it up on his page so i can be embaressed forever! But ya.. i was well wasted ok??? *forgive meee...*

Anyway.. about my pics.. well, Nick's goin to teach me how to put more pics.. of a decent size onto my page so once that's all done, u can visit my page again ok?? sorry.. just too lazy to figure it all out.. haha.. :)

P.S. I miss you ppl.. esp. my malvern lot!! Miss u guys like crazy but I am grateful for meeting a few wicked ppl in lse.. thank God for them.. gtg now!!

Well anyway, I am updating my page from KL now... Love to everyone in London, Auz, wherever u r... missing u guys heeps... hope everyone is not working too hard and partyin on down like mua every like.. 5 times a week!!! opppsss.. ahaha.. I know.. I am crazy!! =P WEll, Keep smiling! *muakz* =}

LaSt UpDaTeD oN tHe 27/08/04^ Recent ey? =} Merdeka Soon so have a great independence day! :)

If you have any comments or suggestions E-MAIL me.. at! Thanks! AND EVERYONE SHOULD SIGN UP ON FRIENDSTER.COM.. its the best.. find me.. more pics there too!! or even MYSPACE.COM.. another thing similar to friendster.. its faster tho! ahaha!! Please come again to this SEXY homepage of mine if u haven't puked up yet!! Ok.. it's bad but Not THAT bad right?!! =}

The Ascott Crew on New Yrs!


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Winnie's Homepage
