Q. Why are frogs so happy?
A. They eat whatever bugs them!

Submitted By "Lisa"

A frog needed a loan and went to the bank,
He spoke to Mrs. Pattywack and explained his situtation.
After looking through his credit files she said that they would require some collateral.
The frog looked dissapointed and said all he has was his instrument. He was a fine violen player.
Mrs. Pattywack was touched and decided to take the frog's case to the bank manager.
The manager looked at the violen and said" That's a nick-nack pattywack, give the frog a loan.."

Q. What happens when two frogs collide?
A. They get tongue tied!

Q. How does a frog feel when he has a broken leg?
A. Unhoppy.

Q. What happens when you mix a frog with a bathtub scrubby-mit?
A. A rubbit!

Q. Why did the frog read Sherlock Holmes?
A. He liked a good croak and dagger.

Q. What happened to the frog's car when his parking meter expired?
A. It got toad!!

Q. What's green green green green green?
A. A frog rolling down a hill

Q. What is a frog's favorite game?
A. Croaket

Q. What did the frog order at McDonald's?
A. French flies and a diet Croak

Q. Why did the frog say meow?
A. He was learning a foreign language.

Q. Why did the frog go to the hospital?
A. He needed a "hopperation"!

Q. What is the thirstiest frog in the world?
A. The one who drinks Canada Dry!

Q. How deep can a frog go?
A. Knee-deep Knee-deep!

Q. What do stylish frogs wear?A. Jumpsuits!

Q. What does a bankrupt frog say?
A. "Baroke, baroke, baroke."

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