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B-ROK rocks my world

Yeah, I don't like Nick and Kevin. Or Howie and A.J for that matter. But let me tell you--Brian is the sexiest since, well, JC.
"Why?" you ask? Please, sit, and let me tell you.

He is so talented. Great voice.

He's got a cute smile, and really kind, gentil eyes.

He's a bit of a goon, a nerd, which only makes him seem more "real". He does stupid, goofy things.

He is the only member of the BSB who, from what I've heard, has not blatantly dissed NSync.

He is from my area (lexington, ky--1 hr south of my house)

He's got a cute li'l doggie

He's pretty funny, but he's no Chris

He's a good dresser

He's not a snob, like Kevin

He's not a jerk, like Nick

He's not a freak, like A.J

He's not a complete dork, like Howie

He's got really bad hair--I can relate

He makes a great werewolf

He's the only Boy who looks as good now as he did when the first came out.

Well Hell, I gotta like one of'em.