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Let's Be Dreadheads

Okeydokey.  For temporary rasta hair you've come to the right place.  I got a few of these tips from a guy I met at Queen's University.  He had quite the unique style. . . there's something about a guy who wears sandals. Anyway, follow these steps:

1.    Damaged hair works best.  So, say your hair is dyed or bleached and you ususally douse it with conditioner (girls!)to make it look purdy.  Well, skip the conditioner and go to sleep on your hair when it's still wet so you wake up with messy head in the morning.

2.    Short to medium length hair (above shoulders) also works best when doing temporary dreads.

3.    Wake up, stumble into the bathroom and look at yourself.  Don't scream. . . it'll be alright.  Now, take a bandana and start rubbing your hair with it vigorously.  Keep doing this until your hair stands on end or it looks like a really big rat's nest. Make sure your hair is evenly poofed.  How long this will take varies with the length and damagedness of the hair.

4.    Once you have fuzzy hair, you can use one of two adhesives to keep your dreads in.  For the really temporary(fraidy cat!) person, any mega hold gel will do.  For the more serious temp. dread seeker, non-toxic washable white glue is ideal. (You know, the stuff you used to use in grade 5).  No wood glue or other serious sticky shit unless you want your hair to crisp off.

5.    Don't worry about making your hair look even or neat or anything like that.  Make it messy!  That's the whole point.  Divide your hair into sections and kind of roll it and twist it with gel/glue until you like how it looks.

6.    Well done.  You now have temporary dreads.

* * * Before washing out the glue, soak your head in warm water first. It makes life easier : ) * * *

For Permanent Dreadlocks

Disclaimer:  I did not tell you this!

    Basically, you do the same thing.  The guy I met (Gavin) had permanent dreads.  It took him three half hour TVshows to get his hair the proper texture to make dreads.  Then, he used honey to twist his hair into dreads, evenly, which looks alittle more "conservative" (if you could ever call rasta hair conservative)but still won't go over well in a job interview.  The only hair maintenence he has is to twist the dreads every day, without more honey or anything'cause that shit is sticky (!) and, no. . . he does not wash his hair.

~*I'm trying to find a picture of me with my temporary dreads. . . stay tuned!*~