K ummm basically, I just got wayyyy too many pics, so umm I decided to put them all on one page -=0D Yay. Feel free to bask in my ugLinezz -=0D And don't mind those spots of purple, I dunno why they're there, but who gives a fawk, reaLLy?
Mmmk, so the first two are pics of meeh when I was young and cute, awwww..shut up Jessica. -=0p Then there's one of meeh being all like YAY, but umm it's a bad pic, shut up. Then, there's one of meeh n mah sweetnezz Jessikuh, heh, focus on her, she's the hawt one, purrrrr. After that there's one of meeh trying to look all sessy, wh0a neLLie. Then there's a bad one of me *surprise* heh YAY, and then there's my homecoming one in my pretty purpLe gown, you can't see my face too much though, so that's always good. -=0) Heh, no actually, I'm cute, I'm just not photogenik thas all >=0T AAAAAAAnyway, I hope you enjoyed basking in my onLine pic gLory

pEaz. -=0D