Lacey's Poetry

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All of the following was written by Lacey from ages eleven to fourteen.


Icy tears spill down hot cheeks as I remember the last words you spoke to me
Maybe I don't want to just be friends
Maybe I want you to burn in hell for everything you made me believe
and for all the false hopes you ignited
Maybe I want to drown you in my sorrow and sit on the bank while you fall below the surface
Maybe I want to watch you fade away
like the evening mist on the last night we were together

Or maybe I want to wallow in self pity
and dust off your pictures that are on my bedside table
so that I might see your face a little better before I banish you from my mind
Maybe I want to breathe in your hair gel one last time until I'm intoxicated
by that sweet chemical scent

Or maybe I do want to just be friends
Written By Lacey at age 13

My Private Symphony

I sit all by myself
in my little chair in the corner that no one can see
I listen to that same song in my head
It goes like this...

La la la look what you've done to me
Oh oh oh look what's become of me
Hm hm hm look what you made me do
Ah ah ah you made me fall in to you

I sit all by myself
in my little corner that seems big to me
I play the same tune over and over
It goes like this...

La la la look what I'm doing now
Oh oh oh don't know exactly how
Hm hm hm Guess what you made me do
Ah ah ah You made me fall out of you
Written By Lacey at age 11