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SR-71 Patches

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SR-71 Patches

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1. SR-71 Det 2 Edwards AFB


SR-71 Info
power performance technology physical type, use landing, takeoff temps. misc. misc.
2 Pratt & Whitney J-58 Speed Mach 3, 2,189mph moveable intake, conical centre-body wingspan 55ft 7in 2 seat strategic reconnaissance take off less than 5,000 ft engine necelles 900-1,000F White Hot 31 SR-71's made Pilots breath 100% oxygen
Fuel JP-7 85,000ft altitude,17 miles Nothrob astro-internial Navigation system (ANS) hight 18ft 6in high altitude reconnaissance engines pre-heated to 86F cruise temp 800F id's 64-17950 to 64-17980 periscope top of cockpit, push into slipstream
refuel by KC-135Q range 3,300 miles without flight refueling ceramic lining in afterburner section length 107ft 5in wheels fold up into fusilage stored at Beale AFB in California triple comp. manage flight systems
thrust weight 29,750lbs flys in stratosphere JP-7 also used as coolant and Hydraulic fluid weight 60,000-145,000lbs wheel 32 ply, Goodyear alitimeter: Kollsman MA-1 pilots can warm hands and heat food on windows
Tetraethyl Borane(TEB) ignites fuel during start cruise hight 82,000ft fuel pumps move fuel to keep center of gravity Paint FS 35402 Indigo Blue tires nitrogen filled Pilots should avoid food that gives gas change noses for different missions
Ribbon Parachute used to stop uses stability augmentation systems 93% titanium alloy wheel 400 or 450psi Suit pressure like 25,000ft Nitrogen pressurizes fuel tanks so they dont collapse
refuel in 15 or more minutes ASO tracks up to 300 stars glass 4in thick in cockpit lift off at 200knots tiny iron balls in paint to weaken radar from enemy Nitrogen keeps fuel vapor from igniting from heat
suit used in case SR-71 pressure failed gear in before 300knots some components from Goodyear, Honeywell, Singer total average speed during career 2,145mph

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