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West Geauga High School Soccer (Men)

West Geauga, Ohio 44026

Welcome to West Geauga High School Men's Soccer!

Wolverine Pages You Must Visit!

[2000] [2001] [2002][2003][Picture Page] [WGHS Soccer History] [Varsity/Junior Varsity Tryouts] [Awards] [West Geauga High School] [District Homepage][News][News (2000)][Polls] [View My Guestbook] [Sign My Guestbook]


  • General Information
  • Other Items of Interest
  • Other Soccer Links

  • General Information

    Team Camp 2002 - The Family First Soccer Camp will be help July 28 through July 31 at the Erie Sportspark, in Erie, PA. Go to the Family First Sportspark Page for more information about this camp!

    Varsity and Junior Varsity Tryouts 2002 - Varsity and Junior Varsity tryouts will begin Monday, August 5th at 8 AM with 'two-a-days' for the first 2 weeks, followed by team selections and regular practices. Optional practices will be held over the summer as well.

    Olympic Development Soccer - If you are more than a social soccer player, you owe it to yourself to participate in Ohio North's Olympic Development Program. For information about the program contact the Ohio Youth Soccer Association (N).

    Premier Teams Listed below are the web sites of some of the premier teams in the Greater Cleveland area: [Cleveland United] [Emerald Soccer] [Cleveland Whitecaps] [NC Soccer Club (Hudson] [Cleveland Cobras] [Ohio Premier][Internationals]

    Soccer Forums - Cleveland Live is sponsoring two soccer forums, the [High School Soccer Forum] and the [Amateur Soccer Forum]. Please maintain proper forum etiquette when making any posts.

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    Other Soccer Items of Interest

    Greater Cleveland Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association - This page contains interesting and important information about high school soccer in Greater Cleveland. The site includes such things as top 10 ratings, links to Ohio colleges, and a master schedule of high school games.

    Ohio Scholastic Soccer Coaches Association - This is an excellent site if you want to see the big picture of high school soccer in Ohio.

    Greater Cleveland Soccer Officials Association - Have you considered becoming a soccer official? If you have, contact this site! Soccer desperately needs officials!

    Ohio Top 10, Division 2 (Boys) - Do you want to see who the top 10 division 2 boys teams in Ohio are before the results are published in the Plain Dealer? If you do, then this is the site you want to check after 10 PM on Sunday nights during the high school soccer season.

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    Other Soccer Links

    [NCAA Soccer] [US High School Soccer] [Soccer America] [Soccer Site] [Soccer Headquarters] [US Soccer Federation] [Soccer Sites] [Chagrin Falls Soccer]

    Thank you for visiting the menu page for West Geauga High School Soccer!

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