The Scrapbook Project

You may be wondering, what is this "scrapbook project?" No, not a take off of Blair Witch (btw, EXCELLENT movie.), but an actual project we are starting.

We are going to get people to send us letters, stories, poems, pictures, whatever, of GG and Mach. Why? Because, I Strawberry Angel am going to WCW's World War 3 at the Air Canada Centre, here in Toronto on November 21st, 1999. I will try everything to get the scrapbook to them. Even if it means bribing someone on the crew. Really. Of course, there is the chance that I will meet them.. maybe they will do an autograph session, or maybe I'll see them coming in. Either way, it will get to them! If not, I'll send it to WCW myself.

How can YOU get in this one-chance thing? Easy, e-mail Gingersnaps (or S.A.) with your stories, poems, letters, pictures, whatever, and Strawberry Angel will print them out and put them into the scrapbook. Wanna give GG and Mach a pic of you? What? You don't have a scanner?

No problem.

If S.A. sees that you do not live anywhere near her, she may give you her address and you can send her your pics. But, the best thing to do will be to find someone who has a scanner, and scant he picture, because S.A. does not give her address out to just anyone.

Still wanna be a part of this? Great! Send your stuff in before November 5th, to give S.A. all the time in the world to set up the book, put everything in, and whatever.

Also, feel free to add your site URL and your e-mail may not get a response, but I bet they might check out your page! =)