Gorgeous George Fan Page

Why join the club?

This is the fan club page.. otherwise known as Gorgeous George's Gang! Sometimes we will just call it the Triple G's, it is easier to type.. maybe even 3G or GGG (I feel like I'm talking about Triple H.. heh).

Strawberry Angel and Gingersnaps feel that there are more Gorgeous George fans than just us! Show your support! It isn't hard to join, just e-mail Gingersnaps (e-mail on main page!) with your basic info, and 1 good reason to why you like GG! As long as you aren't a perv, she should let you in! Remember, this ain't no porn site.

Oh, and sign the listbot! You need to know the latest news on Gorgeous George's Gang site! Duh! Without this news, this site could be deleted and you come hear and it says angelfire page not found. And you will be looking real stupid. So go ahead and sign it.

Check out our members here!