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Welcome to our Gorgeous George Fan Club, links are on the left, please spend some time here and click around! Don't forget to sign the guestbook and tell us what you think. Oh, and check out Da' Madness Chatroom! Gingersnaps and Strawberry Angel are always in there. Half of the time anyways! It is really cool! (Well, I'll try to get in.. it doesn't seem to want to work on any of my 3 browsers. :( S.A.)
Hey, all, check out the Wrestling Forum, a place ot talk about anything from WCW-WWF-ECW-GG-well, anything! Right now the main topic is Jericho, thanks to me, S.A. :)

Feel Free to e-mail Gingersnaps anytime about our site! Email Strawberry Angel anytime, too.

Love and peace,
~Gingersnaps~ & ~~*Strawberry Angel*~~

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Gorgeous George's Gang - The Yahoo Club!
Strawberry Angel is the owner of the club, and her Yahoo Name is Jerichogirl228

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Madd News
September 3rd
GG-TV updated with the latest Thunder happenings.
I'm sure you guys/gals like the Nitro Girls, so I have some great links for you to check out! Done by us, of course!
Sugar & Spice - S.A.'s tribute to Spice. Spice has seen it and she thinks it is awesome! :)
Hell, FYRE, and Brimstone - Ging's tribute to Fyre.

Gingersnaps finished her question of the decade:

Click above to help us rise to the top of the lists!

Thanks Joann! Those 2 lovely ladies are the TRUE bombshells of wrestling. :)

Yep, S.A. stole that idea from Joann. Sorry Joann. LOL. We are also members of Ivory's Intimidators, and Gingersnaps is also a member of Rena's Rebels.

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