Songs, Poems & Finger Plays

I Went Smimming In The Ocean... (I've Been Working on the Railroad) I went swimming in the ocean On a summer day. I went swimming in the ocean And kicked, and splashed and played. After lunch we looked for seashells I found three or four You can hold one up to your ear And hear the ocean roar. Hear the ocean roar Hear the ocean roar. You can hear the ocean Roar, roar, roar. Hear the ocean roar Hear the ocean roar Hear the ocean roar, roar, roar. Elaine
Take Me Out to the Ocean (Take Me Out to the Ball game) Take me out to the ocean Take me out to the sea There goes a starfish and sand dollar, I'm having such fun, I've just got to holler Oh, it's swim, swim, swim, underwater Catch a ride on a whale, don't fear, For the sea animals are our friends, Let's give a great big cheer!

Three Oceans Tune Three Blind Mice Three oceans, three oceans, On the earth, on the earth. Three oceans cover the earth, you see, Can you name them all with me? Pacific, Atlantic and Indian make three. Three oceans, my friends.
I Will Care For The Ocean Tune: Oh, My Darling Clementine I will care for, I will care for, I will care for the ocean I will care for the ocean I will keep the waters clean, I will care for the ocean. I will care for, I will care for, I will care for the ocean, I will throw my trash in cans; I will care for the ocean. I will care for, I will care for, I will care for, I will care for the ocean, I will leave things where I found them, I will care for the ocean.

Ocean Rhyme Ten little crabs who lived in the sea Nine little fish who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Eight little sea horses who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Seven little oysters who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Six little jelly fish who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Five little sea stars who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Four little octopuses who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Three little sharks who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Two little seals who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. One little whale who lived in the sea Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me. Oh, No! paddle fast to land before we sink!

Sailing on the Ocean Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb Sailing on the ocean wide, ocean wide, ocean wide, Sailing on the ocean wide, and coming in with the tide See the waves splash up so high, up so high, up so high, See the waves splash up so high, they nearly touch the sky.


The Sea Is Salty
Tune: Mary Had A Little Lamb
The water in the sea is salty,
Sea is salty, sea is salty,
The water in the sea is salty,
As salty as can be.
When seawater dries all up,
Dries all up, dries all up,
When seawater dries all up,
A pile of salt you'll see.

Let's Take Care Of Every One
Tune: Twinkle, twinkle, Little Star
Seaweed, sea stars, giant whales,
Coral crabs and fish with tails,
They live in the ocean blue,
And make a web of life, it's true.
And make a web of life, it's true.
Let's take care of everyone,
For our job is never done.

There's Something Polluting Our Water
Tune: The Bear Went Over The Mountain
There's something polluting our water.
There's something polluting our water
There's something polluting our water
It is a ___. It is a _____. It is a ___.
Yucky, yucky, poo. (hold nose)

The Waves Are Moving
Tune When Johnny Comes Marching Home
The waves are moving across the sea, hurrah, hurrah,
The waves are moving across the sea, hurrah, hurrah,
The waves are moving constantly,
They move so fast across the sea.
Oh, the waves are moving so fast across the Sea.

Tide Pool Facts
·Tide pools are created when water brought in with the tide fills the dips
and crevasses in the sand and rocks on the beach.
·Tide pools are covered with water when the tide is in and exposed when the
tide is out. Most tide pools have at least some water in them all the time.
·Tide pools are home to many different kinds of animals (such as sea stars,
scuopins and anemone) and plants (such as seaweed). The animals and plants
of a tide pool live because of the fresh seawater and food brought in by
each high tide.

What's In It?
Tune Skip To My Lou
See the tide pool, what's in it?
See the tide pool, what's in it?
See the tide pool, what?s in it?
What?s in it today?
I see a sculpin in the tide pool.
I see a sculpin in the tide pool.
I see a sculpin in the tide pool.
In the tide pool today!
Repeat using other things found in a tide pool.

Ocean Floor
Tune: Skip to My Lou
So many things on the ocean floor,
Sharks and whales, and wait, there more,
Eels, an octopus, colorful fish,
As beautiful a sight as the ocean shore.
Sharks, whales, pirate ships, too;
Sharks, whales, pirate ships, too;
Sharks, whales, pirate ships, too;
Exploring the ocean floor so blue.

Five Little Seashells
(Hold up five finger, and swish each one down with the other hand.)

Five little seashells lying on the shore-
Swish went the waves, and then there were four.
Four little seashells, pretty as could be-
Swish went the waves, and then there were three.
Three little seashells all pearly new-
Swish went the waves, and then there were two.
Two little seashells shining in the sun-
Swish went the waves, and then there was one.
One little seashell left all alone-
I picked it up and took it home.

Beach Story
Let the kids take turns filling in
the blanks in this open-ended story.
I went to the beach today.
The sun was as hot as _________.
The sky was as blue as ________.
The ocean was as cold as ______.
I swam in the water just like a ______.
I played in the sand and built a _____.
While I was walking, I found a ______.
I love to run on the beach like a _____.
I had _____ at the beach.

Walking On The Beach
Tune: Farmer In The Dell
Walking on the beach,
Walking on the beach,
When you?re walking on the beach,
You might find a shell.
Repeat, substituting the names of other things that might be found on the

I Went To The Beach...
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A bird on the sand Using fingers- make thumb and
index finger touch
Looking at me! each other making a birds beak
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A fish in the water Using hand and make it like a
fish swimming
Splashing at me!
I went to the beach
And what did I see?
A shell in the sand Make one fist with one hand and
have the other
Sparkling at me! finger tap top of fist
I went to the beach
And what did I see? Make a crab using all 10
fingers(place hand over
A crab in its shell other hand and wiggle fingers)
Waving at me!

Here is a Sea Gull Song
(Frere Jacques)
I see sea gulls
I see sea gulls,
At the beach,
At the beach,
Soaring, diving, fishing,
Soaring, diving, fishing,
At the beach,
At the beach.
Other verses:
I hear the ocean,
I hear the ocean,
At the beach,
At the beach,
Crashing, splashing, foaming
Crashing, splashing, foaming,
At the beach,
At the beach.
Scooping Up Sand
(Ten Little Indians)
Scoop up sand and put it in your bucket.
Scoop up sand and put it in your bucket.
Scoop up sand and put it in your bucket.
How much do you have?

In The Tropical Ocean
Tune: The Little White Duck
In the tropical ocean
You'll find coral growing,
Building their homes
Without ever slowing.
They live together and grow so tall,
They form a reef that's just like a wall.
In the tropical ocean
You'll find coral growing
Growing, growing tall.

Five Little Whales
Make a great Popsicle whale puppet stand to go with this. We fold a large
construction paper, (blue), in half the long way. Put slits five small cuts
along the top on the fold and staples the sides closed. The kids draw water
on the front of this paper and we cut out five small
whales out of gray paper and glue to 5 big Popsicle sticks. Then they poke
the Popsicle sticks through the slits on the top of the water as they say
the poem. We copy the poem to put on the back of the water to go home.
One little whale feeling kind of odd,
Found another whale, and they made a whale pod.
Two little whales, looking for a thrill,
Made a big dive and they found krill.
Three little whales, spouting all around,
Spy hopped up and the forth was found.
Four little whales, breaching here and there,
Gave the killer whale a great big scare.
Five little whales, looking at the sky,
Waved their flukes as they said good-bye.

I'm A Great Big Whale
I'm a great big whale,
Watch me as I swim.
(pretend to swim)
Here is my blowhole,
(point to top of head)
Here are my fins.
(wave hands against body.)
See me flip my tail
As down I go,
(pretend to dive)
Then up I come
And 'WHOOSH!' I blow.
(thrust arms up and out)

Whales are very big,
(stretch arms out at sides)
They live under the sea
(duck down while holding nose)
Swimming happily round and round
(Make swimming movements)
With friends and family.
(hug self)

Big Gray Whale
I swim in the ocean,
I swim in the sea.
I'm a big gray whale,
Come and watch me.
(cup hands above eyes)
I love to spray water
Up through my sprout.
If you get any closer,
You'd better watch out!
(thrust arms up and make whooshing sounds)

Five Big Whales
Five big whales in the sea offshore,
One swam up to spout, and that left four,
Four big whales in the deep blue sea
One swam up to spout, and that left three,
Three big whales in the sea so blue
One swam up to spout, and that left two,
Two big whales having lots of fun,
One swam up to spout, and that left one,
One big whale longing for the sun,
One swam up to spout, and that left none.

Salty Sea Giant
Tune: The Muffin Man
Do you know a giant mammal,
Giant mammal, giant mammal?
Do you know a giant mammal,
That lives in the salty sea?
Yes, it is a huge blue whale,
A huge blue whale, a huge blue whale
Yes, it is a huge blue whale,
That lives in the salty sea?
It sprays water out a blowhole,
Out a blow hole, out a blow hole.
It sprays water out a blowhole,
That lives in the salty sea?
It swims with a big flat tail,
A big flat tail, a big flat tail
That lives in the salty sea?

I'm a Great Big Whale
Tune: I'm A Little Teapot
I'm a great big whale, watch me swim,
Here is my blowhole, here is my fins,
See me flip my tail as down I go,
Then up I come and Whoosh I blow.

The Whales
Tune: I'm a little teapot
I'm a humpback whale,
I'm very strong.
I leap about
And sing a song.
I like to eat my fill
In the Northern Sea.
But in the winter,
South I flee.
I am a beluga,
I'm all white.
From head to tail
I'm quite a sight.
You can hear me singing
Way up north,
Playing and swimming
Back and forth.
I'm a mighty orca
Black and white.
In the sea
I'm a beautiful sight.
I'm not very big,
But I am sleek.
I hunt for my food
Cause I have teeth.

I'm A Big Whale
Tune: Clementine
I am swimming, I am swimming,
I am swimming in the sea.
I'm a big whale and I'm swimming
I am swimming in the sea.
I am singing, I am singing,
I am singing in the sea.
I'm a big whale and I'm singing,
I am singing in the sea.
I am spouting, I am spouting,
I am spouting in the sea.
I'm a big whale and I'm spouting,
I am spouting in the sea.

Five Big Whales Flannel Story
Cut five whale shapes out of gray or black felt and five spout shapes out of
white felt. Lay a piece of blue yarn across a flannelboard to represent the
surface of the sea and place the whales beneath it. Then recite the poem
below and let the children take turns moving the whale shapes up to the
water's surface and placing the spout shapes above the whales' heads.

Five big whales in the sea offshore,
One swam up to spout, and that left four.
Four big whales in the deep blue sea,
One swam up to spout, and that left three.
Three big whales in the sea so blue,
One swam up to spout, and that left two.
Two big whales having lots of fun,
One swam up to spout, and that left one.
One big whale longing for the sun,
It swam up to spout, and that left none.

Dolphin Action Song
Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Dolphine dolphin in the sea,
Dolphin, dolphin wild and free,
Swimming, swimming in the sea,
Just as free as you can be.
Dolphin, dolphin in the sea,
Swimming, swimming wild and free.

The Shark
Tune: She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain
Oh, the shark has lots of big sharp teeth,
Oh, the shark has lots of big sharp teeth,
Oh, the shark has lots of teeth,
Yes, the shark has lots of teeth,
Oh, the shark has lots of big sharp teeth,
Oh, the shark has cartilage for its bones,
Oh, the shark has cartilage for its bones,
Oh, the shark has cartilage
Yes, the shark has cartilage
Oh, the shark has cartilage for its bones,
Oh, the shark can see objects far away,
Oh, the shark can see objects far away,
Oh, the shark can see objects
Yes, the shark can see objects
Oh, the shark can see objects far away.

I Am A Sea Star
Tune: Up On The Housetop
I am a sea star, not a fish,
I'll tell you the difference if you wish.
Fish have fins and swim in school,
I have feet to wade in tide pools.
Oh, oh, oh, sea star's the name,
Ask me again and I'll you the same.
Fish can swim and splash all day,
Stuck to a rock I'd rather stay.

There Is A Horse
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
In the sea there is a horse,
Not like the one on land of course.
It swims all day in the blue sea
Or coils its tail around algae.
It's a sea horse, did you know?
Let's all watch the sea horse go.

Five Little Sea Horses
Five little sea horses swimming near the ocean floor,
One swam away and then there were four.
Four little sea horses swimming in the deep blue sea,
One swam away and they there were three.
Three little sea horses swimming in the deep blue sea,
One swam away and they there were two.
Tow little sea horses swimming fast and having fun,
One swam away and they there was one.
One little sea hors swimming till the day was done,
It swam away and then there were none.

Once I Saw An Octopus
Once I saw an octopus
In the deep blue sea. (Point downward)
I called, "Mr. Octopus,
Won't you swim with me?" (Cup hands around mouth)
Then out came his tentacles,
So very long and straight, (extend eight fingers.)
One and two and three and four,
Five and six and seven and eight. (count on fingers.)

Down at the Ocean
Tune: "Down by the Station"
Down at the ocean out in the water,
I saw an octopus with eight long arms.
Along came a swordfish
And tried to catch it.
Oh, oh, black ink, off he goes.

The Octopus
Tune: "Little White Duck"
There are eight tentacles
Swimming in the ocean,
Eight tentacles making a commotion
Who could belong to so many feet?
The octopus does and they help him eat.
He has eight tentacles
Swimming in the ocean,
Swim, Swim, Swim.

Eight Arms
Once I saw an octopus,
Deep down in the sea.
(Clasp hands together with thumbs inside.)
Out came her eight tentacles
To play and swim with me.
(Extend and wiggle eight fingers)

My Octopus
Sung to "Three Blind Mice"
Octopus, Octopus
In the Sea, In the Sea
To swim they use all 8 of their arms
Their color changes to hide them from harm
They live in the sea, not on a farm
The Octopus
by Chicky-ma-ma

Ocean Chant
Slippery fish slippery fish gliding through the water
slippery fish slipery fish
gulp gulp gulp
Oh no he's been eaten by .. an octopus
Octopus octopus squiggling through the water
Octopus octopus
Gulp gulp gulp
Oh no he's been eaten by .. a tuna fish
Tuna fish tuna fish flashing through the water
Tuna fish tuna fish
Gulp gulp gulp
Oh no he's been eaten by .. a great white shark
Great white shark great white shark lurking in the water
great white shark great white shark
gulp gulp gulp
Oh no he's been eaten by a humongous whale
Humongous whale humongous whale spouting in the water
humongous whale humongous whale
Pardon Me

Tell me, O Octopus, I begs,
Is those arms or is those legs?
I marvel at thee, Octopus;
If I were thou, I'd call me Us.

Eight Arms
Tune: Did You Ever See A Lassie?
Once I saw an octopus, octopus, octopus,
Once I saw an octopus down deep in the sea.
Then out came her eight arms,
Her eight arms, her eight arms,
Then out came her eight arms to swim with me!

Eight Tentacles On An Octopus
Tune: Little White Duck
There are eight tentacles swimming in the ocean,
Eight tentacles making a commotion.
Who could belong to so many feet?
The octopus does, and they help him eat.
There are eight tentacles swimming in the ocean,
Swish, swish, swish.


The Jelly Fish
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
The jellyfish lives in the ocean
The jellyfish lives in the sea,
The jellyfish lives in the ocean,
Oh, jellyfish swim by me.
Oh, jellyfish swim by me, by me.
Swim, swim, swim, swim,
Oh, jellyfish swim by me.

I'm A Little Fishy
Tune: I'm A Little Teapot
I'm a little fishy, I can swim.
Here is my tail, here is my fin.
When I want to have fun with
I wiggle my tail and dive right in.

Five Little Fishies
Five little fishes swimming in a pool,
1st one said, "The pool is cool."
2nd one said, "The pool is deep."
3rd one said, "I want to sleep."
4th one said, "Let's dive and dip."
5th one said, "I spy a ship."
Fisherman's boat comes,
Line goes ker-splash,
Away the five little fishies dash.

Fish Are Swimming...(Frere Jacques)
Fish are swimming, fish are swimming,
In the sea, in the sea,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
A-splishing and a-splashing,
Look and see, look and see.

Off I Go Fishing...
Off I go a-fishing, a-fishing,a-fishing,
Off I go a-fishing,
To the sparkling brook.
I hope there is a big one, a big one, a big one,
I hope therre is a big one,
To nibble on my hook.
First I cast my line in, my line in, my line in,
first I cast my line in.
And hold the pole so tight.
Watch the bobber go under, go under, go under,
Watch the bobber go under-
I think I've got a bite!
Now I start a-reeling, a-reeling, a-reeling,
Now I start a-reeling,
This fish must weigh a lot!
Here it comes a-wriggling, a-wriggling, a-wriggling
Here it comes a-wriggling-
Just see what I have caught!
Have the kids pantomine the actions when singing this

I'm A Little Fishy
Tune: "I'm A Little Tea Pot"
I'm a little fishy, watch me swim.
Here is my tail, here is my fin.
When I want to have fun with my friends,
I wiggle my tail an dive right in!

Gertie The Goldfish
Gertie the Goldfish goes kiss, kiss, kiss ( smack lips together 3 times)
She looks at me and goes kiss, kiss, kiss, (smack lips 3X)
She doesn't laugh, doesn't sing, doesn't do anything
Just blows big kisses like this
Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, ( smack lips 4X)

Catch A Fish
Tune: "row, row, row, your boat"
Catch, catch, catch, a fish
Hook it on your line.
Reel it, reel it, reel it,
This one will be mine.

Picked up a wiggly worm, placed it on a hook.
Drop the line so gently into the bubbling brook.
(Pretend to be fishing)
Shhh I see a little fish nibbling at the bait.
(Put finger up to mouth)
He tugged upon the line, and the worm he ate!
(Pretend to tug and then open and close hands)
Fisherman Fished In The Water
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean
Fisherman fished in the water.
Fisherman fished in the sea.
Fisherman caght a big fish.
But this fisherman can't catch me.
Fishing Game
Tune: Mary Had a Little Lamb
(Child's name) is going fishing, going fishing, going fishing.
(Child's name) is going fishing. What will he/she catch?
I caught a (color) fish, (color) fish, (color) fish.
I caught a (color) fish. That's what I caught.

We're Little Orange Crabs
Tune: Farmer In The Dell
We're little orange crabs,
Who live down by the sea.
And wherever we do go,
we're quick as quick can be.
We're little orange crabs,
Who like to run and hide.
And when you see us walking by,
It's always side-to-side

Five Little Crabs
One little crab, lonely and blue,
It met another crab, now there are two.
Two little crabs living near the sea
Out crawled another, now there are three.
Jumped in the boat with Skipper and me.
Three little crabs went off to explore,
They soon found another, now there are four.
Four little crabs, glad to be alive,
They found a new friend, now there are five.
Five little crabs went for a walk,
And all at once they spied a rock.
And all at once they spied a rock.
Now five little crabs are as happy as can be,
Under a rock by the deep blue sea.

Mr. Lobster and Mrs. Crab
Tune: "Old McDonald Had A Farm"
Mr. Lobster and Mrs. Crab Pinch and snap all day.
Mr. Lobster and Mrs. Crab pinch and snap all day.
With a pinch, pinch here and a snap, snap there.
Here a pinch there a snap, everywhere a pinch, snap.
Mr. Lobster and Mrs. Crab pinch and snap all day.

I Love To Dive
Tune: My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean
I love to dive in the ocean,
I love to dive in the sea,
I love to dive in water,
Oh, won't you come dive with me?
Dive, dive, dive, dive,
Oh, won't you come dive with me?