
Welcome to the home of the greatest group of wrestlers ever assembled....The Playaz Club. If you like what you see and think you have what it takes to be member then just fill out the application and we'll get back to you in about a week.

Updated July 31@2:30pm by Big Daddy Kane

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Italian Stallion & Digital Retired

Shane Matthews (Updated 8/1) In the Extreme Wrestling network one of the greatest roleplayer of all time has retired! Tank Traxler the ex-World Champion offically announced his retirement two nights ago! He will be a lost to the federation...a lost to The Playaz Club of course the Itallian Stallion...a lost to the Insyderz Derek Bonds! I just wish him the best of luck and it was great wrestling him twice in the EWN! Now...Shane Matthews seems to be having a fued with the Playaz Club in the EWN! It might seem alittle odd but that is the angle Shane Matthews is working out! This Monday Night at Mayhem he meets non-other then the PsychoPath in a standard match! But...the President has told Matthews that he will be reciving the United States Heavyweight Title shot this Monday Night also! I'm not too sure which match I'm wrestling but everytime as i roleplay I mention both incase! That federation seems to be going pretty well for Matthews but one thing isn't all that well and that is the Invasion Kliq! It hasn't really been that much fun for Shane since joining the New Invasion but we'll just see what happens as Matthews has no plans on turning on the Dawg! But...the New Invasion will be getting pretty strong as we are brining in another Playaz Club member into the New Invasion! The IHWF has been in angle talks with Shane Matthews and they came up with one that Matthews is really please with! Most likely Shane will be making his debut this Monday Night but what might transpire this Monday isn't the actually finale! What do i mean? You'll have to be in the IHWF to find out as the week proceeds! The UHWX has re-open and Shane has just recently joined that federation....he talked with the Vice President of that federation and we did a deal that involved joining each others federation! El Giante his wrestlers will be joining the Playaz Wrestling federation and hopefully he can help out! In the brand-new wrestling federation Playaz Wrestling federation...big shout out goes out to Big Daddy Kane as he put the whole site up for us! I'm the Vice President along with Big Daddy Kane and JT Sweet is the President along with Mimic as the Commissioner! There are still plenty of jobs available in the front office as there is still News reporter which we would need two! Head recruiter...if you do get that job it is your responsiblitly to bring in the big wrestlers! And some other postion if anyone wants one of those e-mail me at xpertize@hotmail.com!

Kabuki Jo (Updated 7/31): Kabuki Jo picked up his first victory in the EWN on Thursday Night Barrage against Jack Hammer, to move his record to 1-0. He and BDK will take on Eric Van Price and Mike McGrath for the EWN World Titles next Monday. Kabuki Jo is also involved in feuds with Brujah and Jack Hammer, and he is looking to contend for the EWN Intercontinental Title.

"The New Icon of Cruiserweight Wrestling" Matt "The Main Event" Mitchell (Updated 7/30): Well Matt has been doing very well in EWN and has plans for the near future as well. In GSW he will try to become the first Garden State Champion, which is the equivalent of the World Title, and he has a very good chance at that. He also just joined the HWA, Brian Nash's new fed, but his future there is uncertain. He also has been asked to join UHWX as well as TSW, but right now he doesn't have plans for joining any new promotions. The Matt Merchandise Line has been delayed once again, as the trial on his program he used to develop the items ran out, and he has no plans on getting the registered version. :-0 Also, he now has a new name, well, sorta. The name before the updates is what he will now go by, but only if it's ok with the real Icon of Cruiserweight Wrestling, the Italian Stallion, who just retired. Finally, the IHWF is doing very well and just began a huge angle involving J.T. $weet, and another with the recent acquisition of Brian Nash and his "crew." That's it for now, peace out!

"The Human Spotlight" J.T. $WEET (Updated 7/26): Well to say the least this week has been busy and crazy in the offices of Empire J.T.$! I've been running around like a chicken with my head cut off and having the many other staff and associates busy at work to get the biggest man in Sports Entertianment back in action! I've even been doing buisness on my time off work so it's been insane and anyone that has spoken with me would agree that not only am I, but the entire Empire J.T.$ is invovled in alot. Well I think I made that point so time to get ot what is all gonig down. It appears that The Universal palya has finally signed on to a new federation to restart his career that has been haulted do to many federations and companies coming after him. So tonight will be big for J.T. as he will make his debut somewhere that you'll have to tune into cause well it just might ruin the surprise. J.T.$ and myself have alos been in talk with S.W.F the surpreme wrestling Federation. J.T.$ told me that he was interested so I may be working out a short term contract there for him to make his pressence felt. I think you should all check it out. I'll give you the address sometime later today, but it's looks fun. Well I'm stil busy working on new angles for your model and hero so I will get going.

PsychoPath (Updated 7/26): PsychoPath has recently signed a contract with EWN along with fellow TPC members Big Daddy Kane and Kabuki Jo. Look for these founding TPC members to rip the EWN a new asshole. Since eWWa went under new management PsychoPath is rethinking his employment there. Look for PsychoPath to make a career decision there very soon.

Big Daddy Kane (Updated 7/24): BDK joined the EWN and has his first match on Thursday Night Barrage against "Too Cool" Dan Mills. BDK is the new FCA Stipluation Champion after defeating Justin Sane on Sunday. The eWWa has gone under new ownership.....that of Brian Nash!!! Look for BDK to try and get out of his contract there. The WWF has closed down due to a small roster. Big things were going on there for BDK, it's a shame that more people couldn't see what a good fed it was.

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