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PSHS: Class of '81

Classmates who want the fastest, most current updates should send a friend request to our Facebook page.

REUNION in 2011! Details available on our Facebook page.
Please forgive old information on the site. While updating for the reunion, I will try to bring things up to date. Currently, the reunion page and contact link have current information, and that is the most important thing at the moment. The absolute best way to get in touch is on our Facebook page.
posted 2010
Click here for info on the Poland Touchdown Club's "BUY A BRICK" fundraiser!!
posted April 21, 2009                    
No updates, but I'm still here if you need something added!
posted 5 October 2008
See this page for football alumni information just received.
posted 7 Oct 2007
Although this site might look like it's been abandoned, it has not been. I check frequently and will add any updates that come through. We simply have had really low activity for several years. If that changes, I'll be here to update.
posted 30 Aug 2007
In Memory of Jenny

Welcome     Updates     Reunion     Alumni Links     Bulletin Board     Contact Information     Friends We Have Lost     September 11    

The PSHS Class of '81 has a listserv for anyone who was ever a part of our class, even if you did not actually graduate with the class.

Subscribe to PSHSBulldogs81
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Military classmates are asking for addresses of other classmates in the armed forces. This includes the Reserves.
Any classmate serving in the military is asked to contact the page administrator or send an email to the listserv.

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"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty." JFK

Top News

Reunion Information for Class of '81!!

Welcome, fellow PSHS alumni and visitors!

Welcome to the Class of '81, the ORIGINAL alumni page for any class! Thanks to the efforts of Keith Eich, Poland alumni can revisit nostalgia whenever they want. He was the first person to create a site for Poland Schools, doing so while still a student at PSHS. Now that Keith is long gone from PSHS studentdom, a new website has emerged, but Keith still plans to make a new site for alumni. Unfortunately, he has started a new job and hasn't had time to redo the site as he had intended, but he will eventually have an alumni site for Poland at this link. Please check periodically to see if it is up and running yet.

It was upon Keith's suggestion that I decided to create this home page for our class. After corresponding with several classmates, who also thought it was a good idea, I decided to learn some basic HTML and add our page to the Internet's PSHS sites. (We are, after all, the most important page in PSHS history, are we not?!) Well, that was quite a few years ago, and we're still here! We get periodic comments on the site. People seem to like it, and a lot of people wish their classes would do one, too. So we must be doing something right. Thanks to Keith for providing the bulldog graphics that appear throughout the site.

My initial hope in making the site was to keep our class in touch with each other, to be updated on births, marriages, changes of address, and other important changes in our classmates' lives. I am glad to say that it has served that purpose, and I am getting ready to add a page for our classmates' emails and other contact information (only classmates who have sent me approval for doing so). We are now hoping to get started on the planning of our 25-year reunion, and I am looking forward to seeing how much easier it is to keep everyone informed and organized with updates on the site.

We also have a listserv at Yahoo! Groups. If you were ever part of the PSHS Class of '81 and want to join the listserv:
Click here to join PSHSBulldogs81
Click to join PSHSBulldogs81

While visiting the other sections of this site, a click on the giant Bulldog head will bring you back to the PSHS '81 home page.

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PSHS '81 Updates

Updates on births, marriages, address changes, and other significant events in classmates' lives. To submit your own update, please send an email to the page administrator

Click here for the UPDATES page.

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"2001: A Space Odyssey"

The PSHS marching band takes the field. The trumpets start their climb to the "ta-da!" of the 2001 theme song, and the majorettes kick out, straight legged, their batons entwined with their stiff arms, finally stopping with a pointed toe and left arm pointing high in the air. As the music continues its crescendo, the head majorette kicks out past them all with a brilliant smile on her face, stops at the end of the field to throw her baton to the sky, the trumpets hitting their final exclamatory note, and the baton making an awe-inspiring spiral into the waiting palm of the jubillant majorette!

How many of us watched that every week, every autumn, every year for countless years, and wondered, "Where will I be in 2001?" I know the thought never crossed my mind! I was too busy wondering if I should practice my baton or whether the Bulldogs were going to win... again.

2001 did NOT find all of us in Poland for, oh, my gosh, could it really be, our 20-year class reunion!! We just didn't get enough support soon enough to pull it together.

But we've got a date for the 30th (and we thought 20 sounded bad!) this year. Please respond soon and give your support!!

2011: A Reunion

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Links to Alumni Sites!

A list of alumni sites where you can register. Some are totally free, and others allow free registration but charge for extended services.

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The Bulletin Board

In Memory of Jenny

Keep up with what's going on in our class. Have a general message for the class? Planning to relocate and wondering who's living near your new location? Maybe you are taking a vacation and want to see if any other classmates will be there at the same time. Whatever the case, you can send your message in to be posted, and you can click here to read all the others:

Class Bulletin Board

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We always have someone who can either get you information about the class or put you in touch with someone who can.

PSHS '81 Pagemaster
You can contact me about the website and things to post here.   

The best way to reach us is through our class Facebook page

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Angels Watching Over Us
Friends We Have Lost

We have lost some of our dear childhood friends, and here is where we remember them on our website.
If you know of a classmate who has passed, please send an email to the page administrator.

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Classmates sent their thoughts, prayers, some articles, and more to the pagemaster after the tragic events of September 11. Those items have been posted here: Patriotism & Prayers.

Support Freedom

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background by Keith Eich

poland seminary high school poland ohio poland high school poland bulldogs PSHS website PSHS web site poland seminary high school alumni website