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12/3/01 So....uh....I feel bad for not updating. Here's what's new: I added some pics from our recording sessions at Workbook with Neil Schmitt. You can tell from the pictures all the wacky hijinks that ensued there! Well, maybe you can see our utter exhaustion. I don't want to jinx anything (I've said it numerous times before) but we're getting the money together and the EP should be out soon (we take donations...ahem...).

We're playing a show this Friday (the 7th) at Basso Bar with the Bloomington, Ind. band Turn Pale and Columbus's own Premiere. From what I hear, Premiere's kind of Stereolab-ish.

Thanks to everyone who came out for the Little Brother's Flaunt for Freedom benefit. All proceeds went to the NYC Firefighters Fund.

Also, we're playing on January 4th in Youngstown at Cedars with Favorite Action Hero. FAH is fronted by Donny of Gil Mantera fame.

10/12/01 IT IS FINALLY FINISHED! Yes, our EP has been mixed and mastered. We also have all of the artwork, we're just getting together the money to have it pressed. When is it going to be here, you ask? Hopefully by November.

8/29/01 Due to the untimely demise of Insomnia, our free show on Friday the 31st is cancelled. We're still playing this Thursday at The Northberg Tavern with Blatant Finger and The NSA, where I hear they will be giving away free stuff. I've finally found the stickers I've wanted to bring to our past few shows, so I should have them here for those interested...

Special thanks to The Long Goodbye, The Knives, and Matahari for playing with us at Bernie's. And of course the unforgettable Gil Mantera for having us at Little Brother's.

7/31/01 It's been a while since we updated the news page because of the recording... It's not going to be too long before our EP is out and we'll of course keep you updated. The EP will be available through our site and of course at our shows. We're also creating an alternate Flash version of the site, so sometime in the near future you can view a neato page with all the moving doohickeys that I know you crave.

7/17/01 I've made some changes to the website to make it easier to navigate, plus I've added photo galleries for all the members of Frostiva. You can either access them on the Bio page by clicking on a member's picture, or go to their galleries here: Faith, Leslie, Sharon, Trinae. Most of the gallery photos are original size, so they might take a while to download.

7/12/01 We'd like to thank everyone who came out to see us on the 6th and the 11th - we had a great time playing at Bernie's and met a lot of cool people. Special thanks to Michael for letting Leslie borrow some picks...

Feedback is good...please humor us and sign our guestbook if you haven't already done so. You might also want to join our mailing list to get updates and reminders of shows and recording.

7/6/01 Rock!!!

New mp3!!!!

Broken Ankles (demo) mp3

On Your Knees (demo) mp3

6/28/01If you've checked out the Dates page recently you'll notice we're playing July 6th, 11th, and 12th - no, we're not crazy, but we are getting ready to go to Workbook Studios to record an EP. Recording will start late July into August and will include six songs. We'd like to have a release party this fall but in the meantime we'd appreciate your support to make this possible!

Don't forget to sign the guestbook either - give us suggestions for the website, talk about our shows, or just say hello.

6/14/01We finally have an MP3 up. Right click on the link and choose "Save As" and it should download. We promise to have two more MP3s up very soon...

On Your Knees mp3

6/6/01We're thoroughly tired out from these shows, so for the next two weeks we'll be getting ready for our June 16th show at the Northberg Tavern. We'll be playing with Trapper John.

As for the shows, we appreciate everyone who came out to see us. Pinebender, unfortunately, did not show up at Addition 13 but it turned out to be an interesting night anyway. We were a little too drunk at Outland by the time we were supposed to play but seeing Hex on Wheels (finally!) was great.

We're in the process of applying to Ladyfest in Chicago as well as getting the funds together to begin recording--hopefully an EP will be out sometime by the end of summer. Keep your fingers crossed!

5/31/01Frostiva's getting ready for a busy weekend: We're playing on Saturday (June 2nd) at Addition 13 with the handsome quintet Go Evol Shiki!, The Chicago band Pinebender and the local band Cupidity. Admission is $5 and it starts at 7:00pm.

We're also playing Sunday (June 3rd) at Outland with Hex on Wheels.

If you mention to Leslie (the tall one) that you've seen this page, she'll give you a FREE SPARKLY STICKER. (Oooooooohhhhhhhhh!)

5/25/01Thanks to everyone who came out and saw us not only on May 10th but on May 19th at Oldfield's on High. Go Evol Shiki! and Kopaz - thank you guys!

My apologies for all of the pop-up banners....

5/6/01 Thanks for all your patience with our website. Of course, it's still under construction and there are a lot of bugs to be worked out, but our dates are up. Hopefully everything will be up and running within the next couple of weeks.

We're playing this Thursday at Oldfield's on High with The Honeys and Templeton - it should be a great show.