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Well Lookie Here

Hey... welcome to this lovely, um, yeah, that's it, page. It's just a few pics of me and two banners I threw together one day when I was bored. The pics you see on here are me with some of my friends... or people I hang around with when I don't feel like bein alone. I have more pics if you want 'em, so just ask me... otherwise, sign my guestbook.. and uh, thanks for comin ::smirks:: By the way, I keep these pics updated... so you know what the new and "improved" me looks like... Some of these are blurry, and I'm sorry for that... but you'll just have to deal.

Our band recently went to Florida... here's some pics of that trip. My friends and I inspired this group, and we made a page... so if you get bored, check it out here

Now that you've seen some pics of me, got an idea of what I look like.. maybe how I act at times, I'll tell you a little about myself. If you don't know who I am.. the name is Marcie, or Marcy, whichever is easiest to remember for you. I'm 18, and I live in this little town called Proctorville Ohio, and I'm sure none of you have ever heard of it. It's near this place called Huntington, West Virginia.. which is where I go to school, and hang out when I have people to hang with. My dreams in life are to go to college and get a GOOD, yes notice I said good, education. I would just LOVE to go to Duquesne Univeristy in Pittsburgh, but it'll take nothing but luck to get accepted there. I attend Marshall University as a Voice Major in Music Education. I was also a trumpet section leader and soloist in the marching band of Spring Valley High School in the 00/01 season. Singing is my ENTIRE life. It's what I'm doing 24/7, or at least thinking about. I also am a great writer. I write poetry and songs... and sometimes short stories. If I didn't sing, I'd want to be a photographer or journalist. Anyway, some other things I enjoy are acting, dancing, going to the movies, walking in the rain, and being a hopeless (stressing the hopeless) romantic. Alot of people consider me to be "goth" because I wear nothing but black, and alot of my writing is morbid, or twisted... and I have a pretty down outlook on life.. but for the most part, I'm a great person to be around, or so I'm told. I have a great sense or humor, and I try to make time for everyone I know. I NEVER lie, because I absolutely detest people that lie to me. As far as music goes.. I have a VERY broad taste. I like a little bit of everything. I can't stand that much country.. too much whining about the same thing, and they sing through their nose. YUCK! Rap gets old too, sorry, but I don't like just talking in rythem to drum beat in the back. Mostly I like alternative, ska, punk, swing, industrial, techno, and pop. My fav band is The Beatles... then No Doubt, Garbage, Marilyn Manson, Alanis Morissete, Jewel, Lisa Loeb, Billie Myers, Chrisina Aguilera, Godsmack, Suicide Machines, Blink 182 (Hi Wes! LOL), Type O negative, P!nk, The Monkees, Dave Matthews Band, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and sad to say.. I do like 98 Degrees. Name it, I probably like it. My fav composer is Andrew Lloyd Webber. Therefor, Phantom of the Opera is my favorite musical, well, was. It's been replaced by Jekyll and Hyde... which kicks all arse! Umm I love animals, and I have alot of them. Anything else about me must be slipping my mind right now, so you'll have to ask me if there's anything else you wish to know. Sorry I typed so much! hehe! But feel free to talk to me or email me any time. Other than that, have a great time... or something. Oh yeah, by the way... Rocky Horror Picture Show and The Sixth Sense, as well as Yellow Submarine, A Hard Day's Night, Help, Magical Mystery Tour, are my fav movies... so if you're fans of those, you're my new best friends. Here are a few of my favorite quotes: "Don't dream it, be it." "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." "Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try. no hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people, living for today." "Some days I look, I look at you with eyes that shine. Some days I don't, I don't believe that you were mine. It's no use asking me what time of day it is, who won the match, or scored the goal. Some days I look, some days I look into your soul."