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Quote: "If it moves, I can make it go."

Body: 3
Quickness: 4
Strength: 3
Charisma: 3
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 5

Reaction: 5
Initative: 5 + 1d6
Essence: 1
Body Index: 0

Karma: 2
Combat: 7
Control: 11

Active Skills
Car: 6
Car B/R: 3
Electronics: 4
Etiquette: 3
Gunnery: 6
Pistols: 4
Rotor Aircraft: 6
Rotor Aircraft B/R: 3
Walkers: 5

Knowledge Skills
Air Traffic Control Procedures: 4
Engineering: 6
English (R/W): 5 (2)
Gambling Card Games: 5
Japanese (R/W): 4 (2)
Megacorporate Politics: 4
Security Procedures: 5
Small Unit Tactics: 6

Vehicle Control Rig 3 (alpha)
Orientation System (alpha)
Datajack (alpha)
Headware Memory 30MP (alpha)
Image Link (alpha)
Smartgun Link 2 (alpha)

Typical Gear
Demure Jacket
Griffin Marksman with regular rounds.

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