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Combat Mage (Elf)

Quote: "Things are not always what they seem."

Body: 3
Quickness: 5
Strength: 2
Charisma: 8
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 6

Reaction: 5
Initative: 5 + 1d6
Essence: 6
Body Index: 0
Magic: 6

Karma: 3
Combat: 8
Spell: 6

Active Skills
Athletics: 3
Conjuring: 6
Etiquette: 3
Intimidation: 3
Pistols: 5
Sorcery: 6
Stealth: 4

Knowledge Skills
English (R/W): 5 (2)
Magic Background: 6
Magical Groups: 3
Magical Threats: 4
Megacorporate Politics: 4
Parapsychology: 5
Paranormal Animals: 3
Security Procedures: 5
Sperethriel (R/W): 4 (2)

Ball Lightning: 5
Detect Enemies: 3
Improved Invisiblity: 4
Levitate: 5
Mana Ball: 4
Physical Mask: 4

Typical Gear
Demure Jacket
Griffin Marksman with regular rounds.

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