Freddi's Nook

Ok Guys, this is my happy homepage :) Yes, I repeat /this/ is a homepage. A friend named HeD went on for a whole page telling people how his site was a homepage too... but I think I'll spare you the horror. Okay? But if you really want me to I will ;) Yes everyone, this is a homepage. Now many of you may ask, "Why is it called a homepage?" Well... just because it /is/ a homepage. See the name at the top *looks to the top of the page* That's me *wide grin* This heading at the top indicates that it's /my/ homepage... because if your name was up there the homepage would be named accordingly, and since it isn't, it's my homepage :-þ Well enough is enough, we've decided this is my homepage and not yours already so lets get on with the searching and such, shall we? Ok, Go through my info, find interesting things, sign my guestbook because it's cool and stuff. Visit my harem, if you want to join, e-mail me with stuff about yourself and I'll let you know about it. Ok? Have fun and please come again soon. :)

This is my newly adopted pet elephant. His name's Phil. Everyone say hi :)

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Where Else To Go

Learn about ME!!!
My Name
Tribute to Rocky Horror Picture Show
Brass Band
The French Horn
The Fuzzy Green Bunnies
The Men I Love
My Harem
Links (if for some reason you couldn't find a link somewhere else in my pages)
