When bad homepages happen to good people
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Ryan's "when bad ideas happen to good people" homepage

A little FYI here for those who've been checking
on my web page on somthing like a regular basis.
I hadn't been adding much since Tripod, where my
page was located, was acting really mean and screwy.
That's part of why I moved here.
In the future I'm still not going to be updating my
page too often, though now I'm going to get a whole
new excuse. Say lavee and excuse my spelling -Ed :)

There's a certain kind of philosophy unique
to the web. It's feeds on hyper text. It molts
in chatrooms. In a sense, it's the world's first
electronic ecosystem.
Here's a example;
A friend of mine made a homepage that became very
popular. It was a parody of a porn page. It
made fun of the net's love of love, and it
became a virtual 'virtual' Mecca. Many
people 'linked' their page to his, and the
number of visitors increased even further. In such
a way, the net (and all systems of information transfer)evolve.
I mean, after all, what is evolution
except certain patterns becoming
more or less prolific, based only on their ability to do so.
It happens in any complex
system of information transfer. The chain letters
that you see are the "most highly evolved"
ones. That is, if a chain letter is good at
getting itself passed on, then you're more
likely to see it.
I like ideas. Some people thrive on gossip.
Myself I thrive on ideas. I like to talk about
mother nature behind her back. For example,
here's one that I just found from reading "Shrodinger's
Time slows down as you approach the speed of light.
The closer you get to the speed of light the more you
you would seem to arrive at your destination instantly.
(Although an observer who was stationary relative to your
destination would see, say 3 years pass if you began
your journey 3 light years away from your destination,
relative to himself). This illustrates 2 points;
1st, that light, moving as it does at the speed of light,
dosen't travel through time. Don't think
about it for too long. Your hair will turn white and
start to stand on end. You've seen those pictures of
2nd, that if mathematics is truly the universal languish
then the trouble that you're having in calculus is being
experienced by countless other sentinet beings across
the galaxy.
Have any interesting ideas that you'd like to
discuss? Have a hopelessly large cerebreal cortex
that you like to use to hit other people over the
head with? Drop me a line and leave me a thought.
...oh, and I want to get as many visitors as I can,
so would you mind coding
A HREF="http://members.tripod.com/~wiserd1/index.html"
click here for a really cool homepage! /A
with pointy brackets enclosing from A Href to the second
quotation mark and another set of pointy brackets
enclosing the /A?
If you want, send me your links and I'll slap you on the bottom of my page.
Happy netting,
Ryan Wise
P.S. If you're looking for a picture of me, it's on P.4

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"you are here" if that's not where you want to be, try the following;

thoughts on the ramifications of AIDS
How to make the world a better place without being mushy
page 2
Somthing I wrote when starting college.
page 3
another page from 'the good ol days' when I was an innocent freshman and not an old, wizened senior.
page 4
: Click here to meet the guy who's irresponsible for making this page
page 5
: Another quick freshman commentary about people relating
to their environment in a more personal fashion
page 6
page 7
ideas desepratly in need of responses
Dyranth's homepage: Check out the homepage of my favorite dragon. This girl's a computer whiz, so give her time and I'm sure she'll do somthing impressive.
Mac site: Make your mac do backflips, roll over and beg! This site shows you how to make "the computer with training wheels you cant take off" do what you want, no holds barred. Chris wolf's list of links: the mother of all link lists, with comprehensive commentary on each one.
Find out what secrets lie hidden in your name. Make your own anagrams. free! The Best Midi: He's got music, he's got rythem who could ask for anything more?
Anime site: The perfect collection of Anime
One of my earlier attempts at a web presence
not too good, really.
quotes site

Email: wiserd@muc.muohio.edu