-----[ Hacked by MPD - Mystical Power of Darkness]-----

Yo people of the world I want to shout out to following people so here's a list i have made

a dear and close person to my heart , you are surely a true and good friend and thank you love *hugs*,
but you are way smarter than me love, =)

MPD Members:
« I)È\/Î|_'§ M¥M¡© »
-|§| MåÐzØMߥ3 |§|-
- \/\/ä®êz -

Ulster Underground

Other People:
~ThÄ Rê@pËr~
And for those name's i have fogotten it mean's nothing, so dont get mad

Nuttin' but love for ya all,

Words of Knowledge
Just remember on the net no one can hear you scream!!!!

Very Short Story
The 3 Frog's kicked the Lizards ass, BUD... WISE... RRRRRR..., BUD... WISE... RRRRRRR...

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