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Jen's Page
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Jen's Page

Well I finally updated this page last night, but then my computer got grumpy and
crashed and my updates weren't saved. I'll work on it again soon, but I'm very busy this weekend. :)
I spent Christmas in Kentucky this year...well last year. The drive there was cloudy so not that great,
but the way home was a nice drive. Maybe someday I'll add a pic or two.
So here's the belated Lizzie update...I ran out that tank of bad gas and she passed her test just fine...no new EGR
valves...no new cat...it's sad when I can figure out more about this than the mechanic...
Go Bucks!
Sorry no updates for weeks...life is crazy right now...but Roo is WALKING!!!...

So add puppies to the list (below) of things that break. My baby Rufus went down yesterday (10/28) (dachshund-speak
for ruptured a disk that pressed on his spinal cord). This causes varying degrees of paralysis. He was in the earliest
stage, couldn't stand but still had feeling and the ability to contract his leg muscles. I rushed him to the vet and then
to a veterinary surgical center an hour away for surgery. He's come through the surgery fine, now we just pray for a full
recovery, which depends on how damaged his spinal cord was, how it handled the surgery, and how it heals itself.
This is every dachsie owner's worst nightmare, but so far it's looking very good.
Link to CNN Money: FORTUNE Secrets of Greatness
1. Public speaking
2. Negotiation
3. Speed reading
4. Memory

Think of the people who have that "something special"...they're probably confident, friendly, know how to play the
game, absorb information quickly, remember your name, and focus on you. Lots of lessons to be learned here!

Thanks for stopping by!
Things break...horses, airplanes, cars, hearts...
The test is how you move on afterward.

10/22/06...better add people to that...
Okay, so I hope I'm not broken (though if anyone knows how to tell the difference between a broken tailbone and a battered tailbone
w/o going to a doctor...) I think I'll wait and see. So I took a fall this morning...on my last warm-up jump before my stadium round. Rex was
good...he just jumped like, well, Rex...totally different from Romeo...and I didn't ride it right. "#21 will be delayed...she's, um, on the ground."
The searing pain kept me there for a little while...one of my trainers told me not to move when I couldn't get up quickly...of course I still
tried...can't keep this chica down. Pretty soon 2 of my trainers and some trainer from another barn were all there. Once it was clear it wasn't
too serious, they helped me up and back on the pony, and sent me over a couple more fences. At that point the adrenaline of the competition
had kicked in to numb the pain and I went clear in stadium and then clear in cross-country. As soon as it was over, though...lots of pain...we'll see
how sitting at my desk all day tomorrow goes...I can't sit here writing anymore...but I must add I ended up in 1st and got the Champion ribbon... : )

My beloved rent-a-pony Romeo came up lame this morning, so I'll be competing on Rex, who I haven't
ridden since the Spring. Our ride this morning went pretty well, though. I think it's a blessing in disguise...I was nervous
about Romeo on the cross-country course, but Rex is much steadier. Romeo's lameness might have saved me.

Things happen the way they're meant to.
You know that feeling like you're drowning in your to-do list...in life...
...and you look around for a rope to pull yourself up a little...but there isn't one...
...and you realize the only option is to pick a direction, keep swimming,
and hope for the best? Yeah.

Well, so much for getting the pictures of the airshow up...better late than never I guess...it's in work...

I spent all day Sunday at the airshow. It was a bit windy,
so Jim LeRoy's takeoff was INCREDIBLE. And right over the parked Thunderbirds from my
vantage point. Too bad I didn't get a picture of it. Anyway...pics are almost here...
I've actually started working on this again!!!...


Click here for OSH pics
(Large file...might be better to save it instead of trying to open it here.)
(You'd think the 11th year of taking the same vacation would start to get old...well you'd be WAY WRONG...
there's always something new at OSH...and this year brought some fun that I NEVER saw coming...)

Sorry, no NYC pics...but some random commentary is here.

Click here for Bug Swarm pics...09/09/2006

Click here for pony pics

days until OSH 2007!!!
days until Gathering of Mustangs and Legends "The Final Round Up"!!!

"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars."
-- Henry Van Dyke


"If I lay here....if I just lay here...would you lie with me and just forget the world...."
(lyrics from Snow Patrol, "Chasing Cars"...good song)

(Yes, I know this wasn't last Sunday, or the Sunday before, it was weeks ago, August maybe...too bad...I think it's important.)

Sunday I actually heard a lady say 'I have such a great husband...
he doesn't beat me, doesn't do drugs, and doesn't drink...he's just great!'

Are you kidding?!
Is this really someone's concept of a great husband?!
Wow. How sad! What about being respectful and supportive and trustworthy
and caring and thoughtful and passionate and reliable and interesting and fun and.....
What is this world coming to?!
'Doesn't beat me' = great ?!?!
We've got to have higher standards for ourselves and each other than that!
Well I'd rather be too picky and single and happy
than married to a guy who just "doesn't beat me"!!!


OSH...aircraft central
One Six Right film
Search for ISS & Orbiter sightings from your city...it's cool
The Ohio State University
Experimental Aircraft Association
Landings.com - search for airports, n-numbers, lots of stuff...
Fort Worth VolksFolks Club
New Camera
My High Flight Page
Diamond Dachshund Rescue
Important Poem
The Rufus Page
Central Texas Dachshund Rescue
The Dachshund Rescue Web Page
Dachshund Rescue of North America
The Dachshund Underground Railroad...this is so funny
Florida Pictures
Pictures of Woody -- 17 December 2002
(aka Toby, Woodpile, Woodpecker, Woodster, Hopper #2, Woodstock, Woodrow,
Woodyrow, Woodruff, Pickles, Purple Pickle Head, Velveteen Rabbit, and Perfect Little Fuzzball)

The United States Air Force Academy

Email: aero_jen@hotmail.com