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Welcome to my homepage

Thanks for surfing on. I decided to make this introductory page depending on what you need to see.

I have made different pages depending on if you want to see "professional" things, such as the NEA website, information on block scheduling, or other school related issues.

I have also made a page that starts with my "original" homepage, which is mostly personal information on me, or things that I enjoy on my time off of school and work.

All pages eventually loop together, but please click on the link that you want depending on you need.

To go to my personal website, please click here.

Educators and others interested....make sure to check out the information on these links!!!

The Case Against Block Scheduling

My Anti-Block Scheduling Homepage

Phi Delta Kappa

National Education Association

National Business Education Association

Ohio Business Teachers Association

Links to Generation X information

This site owned by Scott Truelove.
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