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Stick Chic

Hey y'all! Kristin coming at ya. Just in case you don't know me , I graduated at Ridgewood high school, tall , brown eyes and hair. I'm in band and a bunch of other junk at school. I'm at OSU now!! :) GO BUCKS! Anyway i'm NOT single , love football, hanging out w/ my friends and partyin'. If ya ever wanna chat ... look me up on ICQ , (24104146) i'm on a lot !!! You can also catch me and my g's cruzin round newcompton or c-town. I work at Buehlers in Coshocton.... so stop in n' see me sometime ya'll! :o)

Here are just some of my fav pics of my main man Eddie George!!! I'll have some friends pics up here when I get them check back soon!!!!

X*O*X*O*X*O , K r i s t i n # 2 7

Me and my man !!!!!! GO TITANS!!!!!!!!


~Shout outs 2 some g's n' b's~

  • TERRI- Hey ho!!! ur the bestest friend I could ever have. Thanks 4 always being there. Especially thru the first 2 years of h/s. I miss ya gurlie hope all is well in Mount! U have to come stay w/ me when your done w/ school! Don't run into ne more
  • BEAN- Best of luck at OU ! I must come visit you .... seems like OU is a crazy place! Miss ya!
  • NAT- Guys just suck !!!! that's all there is to be said ! lol We're just to good ....right?! Good luck w/ brandon...Thanks girl for helpin me thru everything ! I really do owe you girl !.
  • H- HOLLER ! hey girl so many good times ! we can't lose touch ! Never forget our trip to Muskyville to see our gay friends ! :)
  • JJ- i'll always be here for ya no matter what even tho i never talk to ya or see ya ! .. cause no one really knos the chit we've been thru.
  • ZACK- Hey bud don't be afraid to call me once n' a blue moon. Miss ya , hope all is well!
  • Katy- HOLLER ! man girl so much drama in h/s! thank god its over but chit miss ya ! never lose touch girl!
  • Jef- BANK IT DUDE ! LOL ! too much fun ! hope to see you soon , hope all is well w/josh! :)
  • KRIZ - Hey girl .... hope Chicago is treatin ya good ! get a hold of me ! miss ya g!
  • Chelsea- Howdy roomie!!!!! Thanks for puttin up w/ all my complainin ! i know thats a hard job ! lol
  • SPIKE- hope life is treatin ya good ! i'm here for ya , all ya gotta do is holler!
  • Kittie- GIRL I LOVE YOU ! hopefully this summer we'll hang out a lot more ! MISS YA Bunches!
  • Frankie- Hey bud ! :) Thanks for all the fun times ! never forget being pulled over ! UGH .. i was soooo scared!
  • Winston- You are my heart and soul ... ilove you more than ne thing! Thanks soooo much for makin me see the real me! U are an angel! I love you ! so many more memories to come !


Rhs Bands
My Buckeyes Page
Frankie's Page
Terri's Page
Eddie's Page
