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All Bout Chuckles

Pretty sweet Tattoo artists on here...check it

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Check out Salad Fingers

This will take you to my MySpace Profile. It's a nice way to keep in touch with friends and family.

Newgrounds. It's a fun site, but be warned. Twas not meant for children's eyes.

So yeah...if you know Sean McKinney or just wanna read up on me for the heck of it you've come to the right place.

Tis my lil' intro to me

Well...I'm a Very social person, enjoy partying with friends, all sorts of music, the occasional club, bonfires, movie nights, geekin out into video games. I enjoy doing voices at random...but have this odd sense of stage fright. When I'm going with the flow and pull out a random voice it's not too bad, but the moment someone flat out asks for it I have a problem. Then it feels like it doesn't sound as good as it could cause their expecting a really good impersonation. Meh...oh well. Shit happens. Anyway, some people like to say I'm insane and perverse...well...what other way is there really. Don't get me wrong. I'm not the sick type of pervert. I'm the type of pervert people love to be around. Atleast that's what my friends agreed to. I congratulate my mother and father for watching Rocky Horror Picture Show while I was in the womb. They watched it a minimum of 7 times while I was in there. I believe that has a lot to do with my current state of mind. In saying that, yes, I do love The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

If there is anything particular ya wanna know about me feel free to email me at the email address at the bottom of this page. I have nothing to hide and I feel it's the only way for someone to know me and become a good friend.

Got engaged September 13th, 2004 and shall be wed to a wonderful wonderful woman. She couldn't be a more perfect match. Love you Liz!!!!! Click here for more info.

In more news, Liz and I just found out that she is pregnant. Went to the docor on 6-2-2005 and found she is 9 weeks 1 day along. Our due date is January 4th. Couldn't be happier....unless of course I win the lottery. :-)
