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Star Wars D20 Equipment

Fusion lantern

Cost 25 cr
Weight 2.0 kg
Description It is a hand-held device, larger than a glow rod, that produces light and heat.

Storm Trooper Utility Belt

Cost Not available for sale
Weight 4.0 kg

Description Standard military issue, this light-weight belt is made of white plasteel to match the uniform/armor of the imperial stormtrooper. These belts are often taken from fallen stormtroopers and used by rebel troops.

The standard stormtrooper belt contains a coil of high-tension wire with grappling hook, 2 medpac, ion flares, spare comlink, two days of concentrated rations, a miniaturized condensing canteen, and five blaster power packs. At the back of the belt is a cylindrical frag grenade.

Stormtrooper Backpack

Cost Not available for sale
Weight 10.0 kg
Description A backpack full of survival and encampment gear. Standard gear consists of:

Two weeks rations, condensing canteen, fusion lantern, colapsable tent, and 10 blaster powerpacks.

Additional equipment is added based on the nature of the planet of deployment.

Super Hero Utility Belt

Cost 2000 cr
Weight 8.0 kg

Description Originally devised by a masked hero on a primitive world (still using slug throwing weapons and capable of space travel only within their own system) the super hero utility belt is made of plasteel or other high-impact plastics. The origial was bright yellow, but any color could be made.

The super hero utility belt contains the following standard equipment:

Aquata breather, comlink, four grappling spike launchers, and a liquid cable dispenser.

Additionally, the belt also contains compact versions (1/2 size, with standard effects) of the folllowing equipment:

Electrobinoculars, two glowrods, medpack, tool kit, deluxe security kit, and a datapad with datacards.


Cost single 1 cr, set 5 cr
Weight -

Description Polyhedrons made of any durable material, with numbers carved into (or colors painted onto) the sides as a means of randomly generating numbers (or colors) for gaming and gambling. Most common ot these are a a cube numbered from 1 to 6 or the 2 colored "chance cube". Dice are also available in 4, 8, 10, 12, 20, 30, and 100 sided models. A new set of dice will either contain one die of each number value sold in a sealed tube or 12 six sided dice (or chance cubes) arranged into a box.

Loaded dice cost twice as much and either (decision must be made at the time of purchase) always land on a single choice or have a less desirable result replace by a more desirable result (a six sided die with sides labled 6,5,4,3,2,and another 6, for example). Loaded dice are sold as amusement items only, and are illegal to use in actual gambling (bluff check to avoid being caught).

Star Wars D20 Weapons

Several Blasters by Jan Tolbara

BCA-1 Battle Droid Blaster

Cost 200 cr, or included in price of battle droid
Damage 3d8
Critical 20
Range Inrement 30m
Weight 4.0 kg
Stun Damage/Fort DC --
Type Energy
Size Medium
Group Blaster rifles

Description designed to be used by the Nemoidian series Baktoid Combat Automata battle droid, battle droid blasters seem awkward and clumsy in non-mechanical hands. Any living being attempting to use a BCA-1 suffers a -1 penalty to all attack rolls.

Some 100,000 of these blasters were left on Naboo after the Trade Federation invasion. Although most were desroyed by the Naboo and Gungan governments, nearly 10,000 came up "missing", gathered up by various criminal groups, as well as being kept as souverniers by younger resistance members.

Double Force Pike

Cost Not availabe for sale
Damage 2d8/2d8
Critical 20
Range Inrement -
Weight 2.0 kg
Stun Damage/Fort DC 1d6/DC 15 / 1d6/DC 15
Type Slashing
Size Large
Group Vibro

Description In honor of a fallen apprentice--Darth Maul--Emporer Palpatine has had two of his Imperial Royal Guard trained in the use of a double-ended force pike. These are the most elite, most deadly soldiers in the Galaxy. The pikes are generally set one end to stun, one to lethal, but are adjusted according to the situation.
Because of their extreme rarity, double force pikes are exotic weapons.

Flawed Lightsaber

Cost 1000 cr
Damage 2d4
Critical 20
Range Inrement -
Weight 1.0 kg
Stun Damage/Fort DC -
Type Energy
Size Medium
Group Exotic

Description If a Jedi fails the checks to imbue the crystals of a lightsaber, the crystal may still be used, but is inferior to a normal lightsaber crystal. The flawed lightsaber that results from using such a crystal does only 2d4 damage, increasing by 1d4 ever 5 JG or 6 JC level. Deflect blasters is done with a DC +5 penalty, and the lightsaber- knight- and master-defense feats each give only a +1 cumulative Def bonus.

Any round the lightsaber strikes any other object (including successful attacks or deflect blaster attemps) roll 1d20. On a roll of 1, the blade flickers off. Only 1d4 damage is inflicted on such an attack, in case of Deflect Blaster checks when the blade flickers out, blaster bolts continue through the blade to do regular damage. A full round must be spent shaking the saber handle or pounding it on a hard object beforethe blade reignites. Alternately, it will ignite on its own in 1d4+2 rounds.

A flawed lightsaber ignores the first 5 points of hardness when attempting to damage an object.

Short Lightsaber

Cost 2500 cr
Damage 2d6
Critical 19-20
Range Inrement -
Weight 0.5 kg
Stun Damage/Fort DC -
Type Energy
Size Small
Group Exotic

Description Often constructed as a back-up weapon, to be used simultaneously with a full sized saber, or to be used by a Small-sized Jedi, the short lightsaber is about half the length of a standard saber with a 50 cm blade. The short lightsaber does only 2d6 damage, increasing by 1d6 ever 5 JG or 6 JC level. Deflect blasters is done with a DC +2 penalty, and the lightsaber- knight- and master-defense feats each give only a +1 cumulative Def bonus (because the Jedi is not used to the shorter energy blade) unless the 'Exotic Weapon, Short Lightsaber' Feat is taken. Small-sized character may take this proficiency at level 2 instead of 'Exotic Weapon, Lightsaber'.

Short Lightsabers are constructed by the same rules as normal lightsabers, and are often constructed at the same time as a normal lightsaber. If both are being made at the same time, a single check can be made to imbue both crystals (using two Force Points). The construction checks must be made seperately, with a DC penalty of +5 on the construction of the short lightsaber because of its smaller components.

Proper use of this weapon requires the 'Exotic Weapon, Short Lightsaber' proficiency, although those proficient in Lightsaber use may use a short lightsaber at a -2 penalty instead of -4.


Cost 6000 cr
Damage 2d8
Critical 20
Range Inrement 2m
Weight 2.0 kg
Stun Damage/Fort DC -
Type Energy
Size Large
Group Exotic

Description Lightlances are essentially huge lightsabers. The handle is a meter long, from which a three meter blade extends. The extra 2 meters of blade allow attacks to be made from across an empty space. The blade does only 2d8 damage, increasing at the same levels as a normal lightsaber.

Lightlances are constructed by the same process as a regular sabre, but the crystal must be specially imbued with the Force, so that the 3 ability checks succeed by a total of 10 or more. Construction requires a DC penalty of +5 on the construction of the lightlance because of its abnormally long or heavy duty components.

Proper use of this weapon requires the 'Exotic Weapon, Lightlance' proficiency, although those proficient in Lightsaber use may use a lightlance at a -2 penalty instead of -4.


Cost 2500 cr
Damage -
Critical -
Range Inrement -
Weight 1.0 kg
Stun Damage/Fort DC 1d6/DC 20
Type Energy
Size Medium
Group Exotic

Description First created by a Pod-racing Jedi Padawan (no, not that one), the stunsaber combines technology from a racing pod's energy binders with more conventional lightsaber construction. The blade appears to be a normal saber blade surrounded by a crackling energy field similar to a racing-pod's energy binders. The stunsaber does only 1d6 damage (and that only if the save is failed), and this damage does not increase for high level Jedi. Rather, the number of round the victim is stunned increases by 1d6 ever 5 JG or 6 JC level. Deflect blasters can not be done with a stunsaber, and the lightsaber- knight- and master-defense feats are also inneffective.

Stunsabers are assembled by the same rules as normal lightsabers, but no force point needs to be expended. The construction check must be made with a DC penalty of +10 because of the unusual blending of tecnologies. Knowledge (pod-racing), Knowledge (energy fields) or similar areas of knowledge provide a +1 per 2 ranks synergy bonus.

Proper use of this weapon requires the 'Exotic Weapon, Stunsaber' proficiency, although those proficient in Lightsaber use may use a stunsaber at a -2 penalty instead of -4.

Star Wars D20 Armor

Imperial Scout Trooper Armor

Cost 4,000 cr
Defense Bonus +4
Maximum DEX Bonus +4
Armor Check Penalty -2
Speed 10m
Weight 6kg

A lightweight version of the standard Stormtrooper Armor, Scout Trooper armor provides a +2 bonus to Listen, Spot, and move silently checks. The Scout trooper armor includes a Stormtrooper utility belt with double rations.