The Indigo Girls, a musical miracle.
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The Indigo Girls, a musical miracle.

The Indigo Girls
  • Amy Ray
  • Emily Saliers


hey, indigo fans, i just wanted to let you know that our favorites girls are going on a duo tour starting March 30th, 2000! i am sure you can find dates on their official website to which there is a link located at the bottom of the page!!

"Come On Now Social" is a big success. "Peace Tonight", the album's first single is getting mucho radio play. I have to say that i just love the album! IT is great. I really enjoy how country Amy's gone. Emily, as always, has the ability to write the most beautiful lyrics known to man.

To read Rolling Stone's review if the album click HERE!!!!


i am so excited.

If there is anything you would like to say about the Indigo Girls, PLEASE don't be afraid to email me!!! I would LOVE to hear it.

thank you amy and emily



indeeeedy! aren't you excited!

Table of contents

a listing of every major label Indigo Girl CD

Emily Saliers

Amy Ray

so many pictures!!

Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!


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the Indigo Girls: A Musical Miracle
is owned by Raina Rose.
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Want to join the ring?

Ya'll should just go to these places!

the Official Indigo Girls website, a really nice place.
The best place on the web to find guitar tabliture
they make us put this link on our sites, it goes straight to Angelfire, website creating wizards!

Tina the Troubled Teen


p.s i love you all. have a beautiful life.

luv, me