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Welcome to Shakhnoz's place



Hello again, my friend! (If you are 1st time visitor - I hope you will visit my page again)

I have a great news to share - the birth of my son, Maxoud! He and his big sister Eliana bring us a lot of joy. I made a website for each of them, to share their milestones and photos with friends and family. Please, check out Eliana's page. and Maxoud's page

And here is the rest of the story (or rather the begining).
I was born on December 16 (you can send me birthday cards now) in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, but almost all my life I lived in the most beautiful city - Tashkent,Uzbekistan.

I graduated from Tashkent State University in 1997, majoring in International Economic Relations. I've spent 5 crazy years with the coolest group in TashGU. Hopefully we won't forget each other.

I've got my Master's degree in International Economics and Development fromYale University That was one of the most interesting experience in my life, and I will always remember my commencement. It was exiting and breath-taking sight, with people in gowns and caps with tassel, walking on the old campus of Yale.

Yale gave me not only my MA degree, but also Mrs. :) I met the love of my life there and we live happily ever after. Here you can see some wedding pictures and a short story.

I would like to mention, that I came to the US with the help ofUMID presidential program, being among the finalists for 1997 academic year.

Currently I live in Montreal, Canada. You have to visit this city! Summer here is the time of continuous festivals - Jazz, fireworks competition, movie and food festival,and so on! And winter... Well, just one word - "SKIING" !!!


P.S. My web monitor shows that I have visitors from all over the world, including New Zeland, Jordan, Europe, US millitary. I wonder what brought you to my page - a referral from a friend, a link from another page, a mistake? Please, don't leave without a word in my guestbook


  My son Maxoud
  My daughter Eliana
  Picture Gallery
  More information about Uzbekistan
  More information about Canada

You are visitor number  since February 10, 1998

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