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Shadow9's Magical Happy Hell

News Flash 10-12-02: BWHAHAHAHAAH!!! Like anyone comes here. I haven't updated in a year but now I shall rule the world. yay. HEY NOW! Angelfire, due to unknown reasons, will not let me log in to update The Second Dose. It will only let me create a new page. However, The Second Dose is still alive. This truely is a mighty strange phenomenon...

My "about me" page has been revised. Go ahead and guess what I fixed... (HERE).

My page for some of my midis is there but theres still nothing on it. Actually.. wait.. no it isn't!! Wasn't even there the last time I edited! D'oh.

My 2012 "theories" are still non existant as well, but I did explain it a little more.

And, last but not least, and probably *most important* that comic thingy? I have a working idea involving mutant zombie people, cyborgs, and a guy by the name of Captain Andy. So anywho, I guess I will actually start doing something with this thing... Yeah, after a few years you would think I would've learned me some of that HTML shananigans. pssshhhaaww... As if.

The (un-updatable) Second Dose
As you probably know...
This is the begining, of the end!!!
So if you want to save your soul, you better read this...
And if you want to survive the future read this!
Zebonism, the philosophy
Well now... Maybe I should uhh.. change that text a bit? naaahhhhh...
The page that was "new addition" has become the page my comic will be on. Theres just a picture of a monkey there now.

Links to...well...uh.....hmmm....

uh... oh yeah... my Music Links Page
Links to me friends.... rather friend. Don't worry, this time I really *do* have more links, just not at the present.
Or heres The Second Dose...
