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These beautiful creatures that we call sea turtles have existed in the warm and temperate seas of our planet for more than 175 million years. Currently existing in limited numbers, all species of sea turtles have been put on the endangered species list. Five of the eight species still living today, loggerhead, Kemp’s ridley, green turtle, hawksbill, and leatherback, can be found throughout the coastal waters of Florida. These turtles found in Florida may also inhibit the waters of the northeastern coast of the U.S. during the warmer months, but they rarely come ashore except for the females to lay their eggs. Population numbers are based on these females that come ashore, but these numbers cannot be exact due to each female having her own nesting habits. The eggs laid by the females have a long struggle of survival. Of these eggs, only one or two of a hundred will survive to become an adult.

Throughout the years sea turtles have been valued for many products: a source of meat, shells made into jewelry, eggs used as aphrodisiacs, sources of oil and leather,and shells used as wall decorations, all of which are banned in the U.S. today. These and other products have aided in the sea turtle’s recent decline in numbers. Today there are many conservation projects taking place and laws to protect these ancient creatures that are near extinction. It is even possible to adopt and name your own sea turtle which can then be tracked throughout its journey through the waters.

Turtle Links
Strandings Data
Conservation Goals
