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Becca's Place

Hi, Welcome to my first home page. I am learning this process as I go, so please be patient and come visit my site again to see what new things I have added. On this page, I want to share a little bit about myself, my interests and my family. Please come back soon, as this will be an ongoing process!
Last updated 5/9/2002.

My current ICQ status is:

Things that give me Warm Fuzzies

LAKE TAHOE - Have you ever been to Lake Tahoe? You must go..and don't just hang out in the casinos (yeah, I know they are fun)..but rent a car, view the sites around. Behold the beauty of Lake Tahoe!
Click here to see Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe

SUMMERTIME IS CAMPING TIME! - Sitting `round the campfire, chatting with friends is the next best place to be. I'm not a primitive camper, we have AC, microwave, furnace, all the amenities!
Click here to see the camper

GIZMO, BEAR, and KEBO, a shih-tzu, a lapsa, and a Yorkie ..they are the greatest pets in the world! Bear only had one eye, but he could mouse better than any cat I know :). Bear is no longer with us; his leukemia began to make him very sick and we could not let him suffer as of 2/28/2002. Gizmo is the prissy one of the family, no mice for him, he enjoys epicurian delights, his and ours. Kebo is a puppy who came to our family on 6/28/2002. He is a brat..pure and simple!! They have a camping buddy, Ossie, another shih-tzu, (who, by the way, demands to be and is always hand fed) and the three of them terrorize the campground every chance they get!
Please click here to see a picture of Gizmo and Bear, scroll down to see Kebo's puppy picture and Ossie!

CHRISTMAS is my favorite time of year, Family, Friends, Music, Caroling, Secrets and Surprises, Smiles, Making memories and Family Traditions. I love Christmas! Please take time to remember that...
Jesus is the Reason for the Season.

CARLA and MARC were married in August'97. My baby sister had a beautiful fairy tale wedding.
Please click here to see a few of their wedding pictures.

LOW CARBING - Low Carbing has changed my fact, this WOE (way of eating) has literally given me back my life. Since 12/27/97, I have lost 60 pounds, in addition to no longer needing to take insulin for my diabetes! I feel like I have been given a miracle! I first learned about low-carb diets by reading various books; Dr. Atkins, Protein Power, and Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution. I then found support here on the net..via the Low Carb list, Atkins-New List, Low-Carb Diabetes list and the Texas Low-Carb mailing list..and had it not been for those folks, I know my committment would have faltered. Although weight loss is important to me, the overall improvement in how I feel, physically and mentally, is the greatest benefit of Low Carb diets.
UPDATE: I had surgery in 2/2002 and have not yet gotten in full swing of LC. My weight at this point is maintaining, but I am going back to LC. I know it is the WOL for me, mentally and physically! I'll put up a NOW pic as soon as I get one! Please click here for my "Before" LC picture taken 12/19/97
Please click here for a couple "during" pictures.

Some of My Favorite Links