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Racing Under Saddle Riders and Owners Assocation

2000, A Year In Review

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A Year In Review, 2000

As we glance back on the 2000 RUSROA season, we can see many things. None of us will tell you it was easy. But nothing that is truly worth while ever is. It has taken total dedication and efforts of a few small people to accomplish so much.

<A Year In Review, 2000's Racing Action

The work all began before the racing season got under way. From writing letters to tracks asking for races, to contacting sponsors, your Officer's had plenty of work to keep them busy.

Equine Affaire

Equine Affaire, was possibly the most difficult task of the season. It required an awesome amount of time, money and efforts of your officers and an equine pal. It was quite worthwhile, as there was an immense amount of interest pouring from the visitiors. At least four new riders where recruited from this grand event.

Equine Affaire, gave RUSROA a chance to strut their stuff, along with other types of Standardbreds. Us attending Equine Affaire allowed us to show how versitile the Standardbred really is.

Equine Affaire, also used RUS mount, Dare To Cross, as a saddle fitting demonstration. Many good points where made, and everyone was amazed to hear that DC was a Standardbred race horse.

There was also many friends made. Above is Dan Miller, RUSROA Trainer, and the Swedesh Gotland Ponies. Miller, is also a Harness racing driver, trainer. We hope he can keep a hold of this big guy! Of course, we will return this year. A both is not in the plans. However, Catherine Harris and her horse Timber Jack, will be representing RUSROA.

There was a time when it didn't seem like there would be any more RUS races. Especially for purse money. But this year there was ten purse races, and many matinee events. We have accomplished quite a bit on the little resources that we had. Our officers worked long, hard hours in order to be assured that there would be races and prizes for our racers. And our racers, equine and human, worked hard to be in fit and proper racing condition.


The Matinees were a complete success! There was four races held. Three took place at the Lake Co. Fair grounds. The races where sponsored by NEO Matinee Club. We must thank Bill White, and all of NEO Matinee Members for their help and hospitality. There was also a very exciting race held at Wayne CO. Fair, Wooster, Ohio. Donielle Pollack-Hall, is pictured above winning with Valiant Filly. Wooster would like us back this year and has also put a purse race in their Fair. A special thanks goes out to Ernie and Annett Smith, Dr. Richard Mairs.


Our purse races took us many different places. Our first race was held at Historic Track, Goshen, NY. Four dedicated riders and horses travled from Ohio to New York to race for $1,700. It was a great experence and the people loved RUS racing. Above is Chatherine Harris and Fat Man.

Greenville, Ohio, is a fair that is dedicated to harness racing. They also have been great hosts for our annual RUS race. Above is memebers Pollack-Hall and Christina Russell before the race.

For those of you who have never trained a race horse, it takes total dedication and devotion to succeed. There is no easy way about it. Of course, some horses are less difficult to take care of than others. But nonetheless, it takes a lot of hard work.

Hats off to those of you who went from track to track, giving it all your every start. Even if you didn't finish at the top-you should be proud of yourself and your horse. It is only a select few who has the pleasure of knowing you did something extrodinary. And something many have dreamed of doing.

You know what it feels to sit upon a powerful animal, with the wind in your face. The thrill of hearing your name called in the post parade, as the crowd cheers. And the very quiet moment when they call you to the starting gate, and you move into your starting position. When the starter says,"go", there is no one in the world but you and your equine friend who will carry you through this moment that seems frozen in time.

It almost seems as though you are one, everything you do affects his motion. He relys on you for guidance and balance, you rely on him for speed and endurance. You have the chance to cross the finish first, to walk into the winners circle and know why you worked so hard.

Even if you didn't make it to the winner's circle, you still have the complete satisfaction of knowing you have tried your best and you will learn and better from what happened in the race. And still you have won, in your own little battle. Keeping the sport alive. . .

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