Tom: I don't need a diversion, just give me a chance. I'll get her out

- Prototype

Tom: Torres doesn’t cry. Have you noticed that? I don’t trust people who don’t cry.

- Threshold

Tom: I'm just curious how someone with Klingon blood seems to live the life of a Tabran monk.

- The Swarm


Paris: Well if you ever have a free evening, I have a holodeck program you might enjoy...sailing on Lake Como.
Torres: I'd rather take my chance with Freddy Bristow.

- The Swarm

Tom: Lieutenant, thank God you're here.
B'Elanna: Oh you need me. *smirk* I'm touched.

- Macrocosm

Tom: Lt you look...
B'Elanna: Tropical.
Tom: Actually I was thinking more along the lines of smashing.
B’Elanna: Thanks

- Alter Ego

Tom: Harry and I well meet you and Vorik at the Lulu.
B'Elanna: You're pretty confident about your Powers of persuasion.
Tom: Yes I am.

- Alter Ego

Paris: Thanks. Mmm.
Torres: Thanks. I am starving.
Paris: Me, too. Let's find us a spot. This place is filling up fast.
(Vorik clears his throat)
Vorik: I have already taking the liberty of reserving a table, Leuitenant. With a view of the lakeside. You did express a fondness for that particular Vista.
Torres: I did?
Vorik: Five days ago. In a conversation we had in Engineering. Regarding Holodeck programs.
Torres: I guess, maybe I did.
Paris: Good memory.
Vorik: Of course.
Torres: Well, then Ensign. Let's go.

- Alter Ego

Tom: I tried to stop her from leaving Captain, but she got very hostile and bit me
Chakotay: She bit you?
Tom: And she seemed to be enjoying it, in a Klingon sort of way.

- Blood Fever

Tom: This isn't about the gun! This is about sex. (Pause) But it's not going to happen right now.

- Blood Fever

Tom: I'm your friend and that means that I have to watch out for you when your judgement has been impaired. If you do this... if we do this you are going to hate yourself and me for taking advantage of you.

- Blood Fever

Tom: Are you telling me I'm impossible to resist?
B’Elanna: I wouldn’t go that far.

- Blood Fever

Torres: You've never been hard to get, Tom.
Paris: Well, I'm making an exception. I can't let you do this.
Torres: Oh, but you wish you could. All the invitations to dinner and on the Holodeck, the way you would stare at me when you thought I wasn't looking, and get jealous when I'm with someone else. You can't tell me you're not interested in me.
Paris: You're right, I can't.
Torres: You see I've wanted this for so long. Just let it happen.
Paris: I hope someday you'll say that to me and mean it.

- Blood Fever

Tom: B'Elanna. I know this is a pretty bizarre situation, probably not what either one of use had in mind. But it too late to worry about that now
B'Elanna: Tom
Tom: What?
B'Elanna: Be quiet!

- Blood Fever

Tom: So this is the part where you throw heavy objects at me?
B'Elanna: Maybe later

- Blood Fever

Tom: Yeah I know, you're afraid your big scary Klingon side might have been showing. Well I saw it up close and you now it wasn't that terrible. In fact, I wouldn’t mind seeing it again someday.
B'Elanna: Be careful what you wish for Lieutenant

- Blood Fever

B'Elanna: Tom, sorry I'm late

- Before and After

Paris: B'Elanna was something very special to me. When she died, I felt like I wanted to die, too.

- Before and After

Tom: I'll bet you it's the Anodye relay
B'Elanna: No it's Plasma conduit
Tom: Relay I'm telling you I checked the conduits network
B'Elanna: My point exactly. You're not an engineer

- Distant Origin

Tom: I'll see you tonight...B.Y.O.B.
B'Elanna: What?
Tom: Bring Your Own Bat'telh

- Distant Origin

Gegen about Torres and Paris: Note how the female through her feigned antagonism, encourages the male in his attempt to mate.

- Distant Origin

Torres: You can't give me orders. We're the same rank.
Paris: I am a bridge officer and I have seniority.
Torres: Oh yeah, by about 2 days.
Paris: You will keep moving or do I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you out?
Torres: Don't even try it.

- Displaced

Torres: Feels good to be warm again.
Paris: Yeah, sure does

- Displaced

Torres to Paris: I am not hostile!

- Displaced

Paris to Torres: I am an easygoing person, who is just trying to be friendly to someone who is obviously terrified of having a friend.

- Displaced

Tom: You know maybe your on to something, I could add steamy love scene between the Starfleet Conn Officer and the Maquis Engineer
B'Elanna: Oh, that's realistic

- Worst Case Scenario

Torres: Let me access your controls.
Paris: I thought you'd never ask.

- Day of Honor

Paris: Why is it that we have to get beamed into space in environmental suits before I can initiate first contact procedures?
Torres: Why is it that if we're alone for more than 30 seconds, you start thinking about first contact.
Paris: That is not fair. The other day in Engineering I must have gone 4 minutes before I started thinking about it.

- Day of Honor

Paris: I wish I had known you then.
Torres: You'd have hated me.
Paris: I can't imagine a time when I wouldn't have found you fascinating.

- Day of Honor

Paris: I'm glad the last thing I'll see is you.

- Day of Honor

Tom: There’s something I've been meaning to ask you.
B'Elanna: Well, now's the time
Tom: When we first met...you didn't have a very high opinion of me.
B'Elanna: That putting it mildly. I thought you were and arrogant, self absorbed pig.
Tom: Ha Ha. Flattery won't get you any more oxygen. Do you think I've changed?
B'Elanna: A lot! Now your a stubborn, domineering pig. I'm just kidding. There I go again. Pushing you away. You were right about me...it's what I do...push people away.
Tom: Well it's a sure fire way of not getting hurt.

- Day of Honor

Torres: I've been a coward about everything...everything that really matters. I'm going to die without a shred of honor. And for the first time in my life, that really bothers me. So, I have to tell you something. I have to tell you the truth.
Paris: The truth about what?
Torres: I love you. Say something.
Paris: You picked a great time to tell me.

- Day of Honor

Paris: This is ridiculous. It's been three days and we haven't said a word to each other.
Torres: I know, I know. We have to talk.
Paris: About what you said. I mean, the part about being in love with me. I realize you were suffering from oxygen deprivation and we were literally seconds away from death. So, I know you probably didn't mean it.
Torres: Oh no, I meant it! But, I don't expect you to reciprocate. Really. You can just pretend that I didn't say it. In fact, let's just forget that I even said anything...
Paris: Shut up! (then they kiss)

- Revulsion

B'Elanna: Does this mean you’re too tired to meet later in my quarters?
Tom: Are you sure your heart can take it?
Doctor: I’m detecting elevated hormonal levels. If you two don’t take it easy, I’ll have to declare a medical emergency.

- Revulsion

Paris: What could I say? Sorry, Captain, I've got a date with B'Elanna?

- Scientific Method

Janeway: You two have been making enough of a public display that half the ship is gossiping about it.
Torres: Believe me, that wasn't our intention...
Janeway: You are senior officers and I expect you to maintain a standard for the rest of the crew, but this adolescent behavior makes me question my faith in you both. If you choose to pursue a relationship, that's your business. But you consider yourselves under orders to use better judgment about it. Is that understood?

- Scientific Method

B'Elanna: I don’t think that it’s anybody else’s business how we feel about each other.
Tom: Neither do I.
(A few lines)
B'Elanna: If we’re just a little more careful in public, and we don’t say anything to anybody.
Tom: At least for now.
B'Elanna: Now? Sounds like you see a future in this.
Tom: I would never be so presumptuous.
B'Elanna: Smooth recovery, Lieutenant.
Tom: I thought so. Computer, resume.

- Scientific Method

Tom: Try the salad, chief.
B'Elanna: This is really delicious!
Tom: Well, thanks. I replicated it myself.
B'Elanna: Mmm. You’re too good for me.

- Scientific Method

Tom: Those aliens could have just been messing around with our hormones just to see what would happen.
B'Elanna: You’re right. They could have. And we don’t know how long they were on board. They could have been tampering with us for months.
Tom: Well, when you think about it, you did have a pretty abrupt change of heart a couple of weeks ago. What made you realize that you love me all of a sudden?
B'Elanna: Just a feeling. So our whole relationship might be based on some…alien experiment?
Tom: You never know.
B'Elanna: Well, I think that explains it.
Tom: I guess we should just call it off, then.
B'Elanna: I think so.
Tom: Thank God we found out in time
B'Elanna: Thank God
Tom: I don’t know about you, but I’m curious to see how this experiment turns out.

- Scientific Method

Seven to Harry Kim (in his dream): I've learned from observing Lieutenants Torres and Paris that Humans sometimes require pretext for being intimate with one another.

- Waking Moments

Paris about Torres: Great gams. One hell of a temper.

- The Killing Game, Part 1

B'Elanna: How the hell do you know when we're having intimate relations?
Seven :There is no one on deck 9 section 12 who does not know when you're having intimate relations.

- Someone to Watch Over Me

Janeway: You’re late Mr. Paris.
Paris: Ma’am?
Tuvok: According to the ship’s chronometer, by 22 seconds.
Paris: I’ll make it up at the end of my shift.
Chakotay: See that you do.
Janeway: Take your station.
(Paris walks to the conn, where he finds a small wooden box on his seat)
Chakotay: Open it. That’s an order.
(Paris opens the box)
Chakotay: Not only late, but improperly dressed. That belongs on your collar Mr. Paris.
Janeway: Allow me. As ship’s Captain, I hereby reinstate you to the rank of Lieutenant, with all the privileges and responsibilities therein. Your performance on this shp for the past year has been exemplary. I expect more of the same.
Paris: You won’t be disappointed.
(Tom and B’Elanna kiss)
Torres: Congratulations…Lieutenant.
Kim: I didn’t see a little box on my chair.

- Unimatrix Zero, Part 1

Paris: Busy?
Chakotay: What’s on your mind?
Paris: The away team. The plan was to give them 2 hours, it’s been 2 ½.
Chakotay: The Doctor’s keeping an eye on them. We’ll give it a little more time. Unfortunately, not everything goes according to plan. Paris: You know, it occurs to me, that with you in command and Tuvok off the ship, that makes me acting First Officer. Technically speaking.
Chakotay: What’s you’re point?
Paris: Well, it’s my duty to give you an opinion. And in my opinion, I think we should pull them out now, before it’s too late.
Chakotay: I appreciate your diligence, but I’ve made my decision. We wait.
Paris: How long? A day? A week?
Chakotay: As long as it takes to complete the mission.
Paris: This mission isn’t worth their lives.
Chakotay: You’ve made your point.
Paris: Apparently not.
Chakotay: Lieutenant. A First Officer could get into a lot of trouble for talking to his Captain that way.
Paris: Well, I learned from the best.
Chakotay: I appreciate your concerns Tom, but I need your support on this.
Paris: Aye, Sir.

- Unimatrix Zero, Part 2

Doctor: What race? I was referring to your romantic getaway.
Paris: Oh, No.
Doctor: Don’t tell me you forgot.
Paris: Do me a favour Doc, keep an eye on my bio sings.
Doctor: What for?
Paris: Because in about five minutes, there may be a medical emergency in engineering.

- Drive

Paris: I do not deserve you.
Torres: You’re right about that.

- Drive

Neelix: I’m sure if you tell him how important this weekend was to you, he’ll reconsider.
Torres: Probably. But he should be able to do what makes him happy.
Neelix: What about what makes you happy?
Torres: It’s time I faced facts Neelix, Tom and I just don’t belong together.
Neelix: Then you’re not in love with him anymore?
Torres: I didn’t say that.
Neelix: But B’Elanna, if you still love each other…
Torres: Maybe that isn’t enough.
Neelix: Call me a hopeless romantic, but I still think it is.
Torres: There’s a Klingon phrase my grandmother used to use. Moc’tah, (sp???) it means “bad match.” That’s what Tom and I are. I just hate that it’s taken me three years to realize it.
Neelix: If you’re really such a Moc’tah, it must have been an awful three years.
Torres: No. Tom’s a great guy. And we’ve had a lot of fun together. And that seems to be enough for him. But not for me.
Neelix: Why aren’t you saying all this to Tom?
Torres: I plan to. After the race.
Neelix: By which time he will have already disappointed you again. I may not know as much of Klingon tradition as your grandmother, but somehow, keeping Tom in the dark doesn’t seem very honorable.

- Drive

Torres: Okay, I was upset when you cancelled our weekend, but then I thought, why can’t we be together doing something you like?
Paris: What about Harry?
Torres: I assigned him a level five diagnostic in engineering.
Paris: Oh, that’s terrible.
Torres: I’m just kidding. I told him how hard it is for us to get time together and he understood. Anyway, the way I see it, you’re trading an Ensign for a Chief Engineer.

- Drive

Torres: Harry sure had that glow didn’t he?
Paris: What glow?
Torres: You know, that look you get when you first meet somebody.
Paris: His cheeks were a little redder than usual.
Torres: No. I just meant that some people just fit together without having to work at it. And other people….no matter how much they try…
Paris: Are we talking about them or us?
Torres: What? (pause) No, No I didn’t mean…
Paris: If something’s bothering you, let’s talk about it.
Torres: We should concentrate on the race.

- Drive

Torres: This isn’t about the race anymore, is it?
Paris: You tell me.

- Drive

Torres: I thought that if we did this one thing together, something that you cared about, that it might help our relationship.
Paris: I didn’t know that it needed help.
Torres: That’s part of the problem.
Paris: What’s the rest?
Torres: You know the rest.
Paris: So we scrape shields occasionally. It keeps things interesting.
Torres: Maybe interesting isn’t enough for me.
(Paris stops the Delta Flyer II)
Torres: What are you doing?
Paris: If we’ve got a problem, we’re going to resolve it right here, right now.
Torres: Hey, I never asked you to get rid of this race. Or anything else that you care about, I never asked you to stop being yourself.
Paris: The only self I want to be is the guy that you’re in love with.
Torres: Wow. I didn’t know you felt that way.
Paris: How can you say that?
Torres: You always seem to have other priorities.
Paris: I’m showing you my priorities right now.
Torres: How come you never talked to me about this before?
Paris: Well, you’ve got that tough Klingon exterior. I didn’t think you liked the mushy stuff.
Torres: Do I look that tough right now?
Paris: Does that mean you’re in the mood for some mushy stuff?
Torres: Maybe.
Paris: Exactly what kind of mush are we talking about?
Torres: You tell me.
Paris: Well, there’s the (he kisses her) kissing stuff.
Torres: That was nice.
Paris: And there’s the “you’re the most important person in the world to me”
Torres: I like that one too.
Paris: And there’s the happily ever after
Torres: How does that one work?
Paris: Well, traditionally, it requires a proposal.

- Drive

Computer: Warp core breach in 20 seconds
Paris: So what’s your answer?
Torres: My answer?
Paris: Will you marry me?
Computer: Warp core breach in 15 seconds
Torres: You’re proposing now?
Paris: It’s as good a time as any.

- Drive

Torres: I guess we lost.
Paris: That depends.
Torres: On what?
Paris: On how you answer my question.
Torres: I thought you only asked it because we were about to explode.
Paris: Well, we’re still alive. And I’m still asking.
Torres: How come you never asked me before?
Paris: How come you’re still avoiding the question?
Torres: I’m thinking.
Paris: Think faster.
Torres: Why, you going to withdraw the question?
Paris. No. But I might start to beg. It could get embarrassing.
(They Kiss)

- Drive

Paris: To the winners. (pause) B’Elanna Paris. That has a nice ring to it.
Torres: Thanks, but I already have a ring. (Flashes her ring) Anyway, I kinda like the sound of Tom Torres.
Paris: I hope you’re kidding.
Torres: Hey! It is the 24th century.
(They Kiss) (The Delta Flyer flies off with “Just Married” written on the back, and canisters trailing behind)

- Drive

Paris: It's the Holodeck Tuvok, it doesn't count.
Tuvok: Is that what you tell your wife? Paris: Of course not. My days of rescuing slave girls from Planet X are history.

- Body and Soul

Paris: With all due respect Captain, I would like to get my wife back in one piece. We could use all the help we can get.

- Flesh and Blood

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