
Ramirez: [narrating] From the dawn of time we came; moving silently down through the centuries, living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering; when the few who remain will battle to the last. No one has ever known we were among you... until now.

Connor: You're a liar!
Ramirez: You have the manners of a goat. And you smell like a dung-heap! And you have no knowledge whatsoever of your potential!

Ramirez: The sensation you feel is the Quickening. We are one, MacLeod. We are brothers!

Heather: You can do that to me forever if you like, my Lord.

Ramirez: Crude and slow, clansman. Your attack was no better than that of a clumsy child.

Garfield: Are you a faggot Nash?
MacLeod: Why Garfield? Cruisin' for a piece of ass?

Connor MacLeod: I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel. And I am immortal.

[Just before the MacLeod clan goes to war]
Kate: Angus, you'll keep him in one piece, ya hear?
Dugal MacLeod: And we all know what piece that is!

Ramirez: Why does the sun come up, or are the stars just pinholes in the curtain of night?

Ramirez: If your head comes away from your neck, it's over!

Kurgan: [to Ramirez] Tonight you sleep in hell.

Connor MacLeod: I've been alive for four and a half centuries, and I cannot die.
Brenda: Well, everyone has got their problems

Candy: Hi, I'm Candy.
Kurgan: Of course you are...

Kurgan: Forgive me father, I am a worm...

Kurgan: Nuns. No sense of humor.

Kurgan: It's better to burn out, than to fade away!

Kurgan: So now it ends...

[Repeated line by Ramirez, The Kurgan and Connor MacLeod]
Connor MacLeod: There can be only one!

[Looking at the body lying next to its head]
Garfield: What do you think the cause of death was, Lieutenant?

Connor MacLeod: You only have one life! If you value it, go home!

Garfield: You talk funny Nash. Where you from?
Nash: Lots of different places.

Ramirez: The Kurgan. He is the strongest of all the immortals. He's the *PERFECT* warrior. If he wins the Prize mortal man would suffer an eternity of darkness.
Connor MacLeod: How do you fight such a savage?
Ramirez: With heart, faith and steel. In the end there can be only one.

Sunda Kastagir: Macleod, it's good to see you again. It seems like a hundred years.
Connor MacLeod: It's been a hundred years.

Connor MacLeod: I hate you!
Ramirez: Good. That is a perfect way to start.

Connor MacLeod: Help me, I'm drowning!
Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez: You can't drown, you fool, you're immortal!

Angus MacLeod: He's a Highlander, by God, and the last sound he hears should not be that of a wailing woman!

[Connor is being chased out of the village]
Angus MacLeod: Can you walk, Connor?
Connor MacLeod: I'll bloody well walk out of here!

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