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Open Interviews



I’ve decided since I’m so busy and I don’t have time to go out searching for new stories and authors I’m going to hopefully have them come to me.  I’m doing something I’ve never done since I’ve opened the site.  I’m letting people submit stories to me to be hosted.


Here are the rules because there has to be some rules:


1:  The story has to be complete.  If you’ve ever surfed the site I only host finished stories, with the exception of Lara.


2:  The story must feature one of the five band mentioned on the site.  I will not host a Britney story.


3:  Spell check is your friend.  Use it before you send me your story.  I’m not here for editing.


4:  Don’t submit a stolen story.  How will I know?  I won’t, but I’ll guarantee that someone else will pick up on it quickly.  Also, I do read quite a bit of fiction and if it’s a good story, I’ve probably read it.


5:  Send story as a word document or in a html email.  I don’t want to be reading a bunch of mess.  It will just detract me from the story.  If the story is on a site, send me the link.  I’ll go and read it there.


6:  Don’t bug me with emails.  I am busy and have no clue how many people are going to respond to this.  Bugging me won’t be a good idea. 


Email the story here: and Good Luck!