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Anagrams and other stuff

John Winston Lennon
Lent 'n' on join 'n' shown-What John did when he asked Paul to join his band
Jon's lone ninth 'n' now-He never made it to Dec. 9, 1980
On Jon's then nil 'n' now-Yep John's now nill.
Now. John's linen 'n' not-Did Yoko sell that too?

Paul McCartney
My clean cut par-What Lennon called McCartney?
My cuter pal can-What john said when he made Paul do it instead of himself.
Cry cute man pal-What Paul did when John died
Cutely carp man-What all the ladies think.
Pay clean-cut Mr.-What Paul tells anyone who "borrows" his songs.

George Harrison(They perfectly describe Harrison toward Liam)
Raging sore hero-describes Harrison
Hero or a snigger-What Liam Thinks of George No! Grr! he is a gore
Oh! rigor enrages-perfect description of both
Ha! Grr! senior ego

Ringo Starr
Rings or art-He can't decide which he likes best.
Grin or star-Ringo can't figure out what to do.
Rigor 'n' star-Oh it's so hard to be a star.
Grr! I rant so.-Oh you do Ringo?

Liam Gallagher
"I'm a hall gargle" and "Ha! I'm all gargle"-I didn't know that's what you think of yourself.
I'll gargle a ham-You have such a big mouth and a deep throat Liam
Rage all lag him-describes ol' Liam.
I alarm egg hall-And you're the walrus too.

Noel Gallagher
Hello! real gang-What Noel says to the band.
Hello! glare nag-He says when he sees Liam.
Rang legal hole and Hear legal long-What he did to some webpages.
Gaga loner he'll-be if he makes too many fans mad.

Paul Arthurs
Ha! 'url up star-Bonehead's opinon of people who throw bottles.
Rats! a hurl up-So you say at the bottle throwing fan.
Larrup! Shut 'a'-He tells the "fan"

Paul Mc Guigan
Magical up gun-Paul's favorite toy.
Plug magic UNA-Okay Guigs, what's "magic UNA"?
Unplug a magic-Okay whatever you're into Guigs.
I a glum cap gun-Oh don't think of yourself like that Guigs.
Alan White
I 'n' a wealth.-Are you now Alan since joining oasis Eay?!
Ha! twin ale-Is that your favorite drink Whitey?
Anal white-Ah the one place he doesn't tan.
I hate lawn-Ah so why mow it?

Yoko Ono
"Oo! yon ok."-What Yoko asked John.
"Oy! O! No! KO!"-What Yoko said when John was just laying there.
"Yo! O! nook."-What she said over the whole situation.

Linda McCartney
I'm central candy. Mint lady cancer-Poor Linda :(
Randy cam client-Is that what Paul said when they met?
Trendy 'n' acclaim-That's how she thinks she is.
Tricycle and man-Linda with Paul and kids
Try manic candle-An advertisement?
My! act nicer land-What Linda tells the tabloids

Olivia Harrison
Shoo! I rival rain-so Olivia said
Hairs on ravioli-uh oh forgot your hairnet Olivia?
No! Oi! hair rivals-What she thinks about George vs. Liam
"Oo! An Irish rival"-Olivia thinks before realizing Liam's British.

Barbara Starkey
A baby, rarer task-What Ringo & Barb think since they never had kids
Task by rare Arab, Break! stray Arab, Rats array kebab-Barb's scene from James Bond movie

Patsy Kensit-Gallagher
"Ghastly triangle peaks" and "Shaggily streak planet"-Patsy on holdiday in French Rivera
"Kept trashily gas angel" and "Pink stealthy, large gas"-What Liam teases Patsy about.
"Lets! lanky, shaggier pat" and "Shaggily spank a letter"-What Liam & Patsy like to do, I suppose.
"Nag stealthly, large skip"-What Patsy does when doesn't get what she wants.
"Please ghastly rat king" and "Slag stealthy king rape"-What Patsy thinks when Liam wants it, but she's not in the mood.

Meg (Matthews) Gallagher
"That a warm eggshell gem" and "That warm mega eggshell"-What Noel calls Meg
Well!Shh! gem gaga matter"-If someone asked Noel why Meg was napping
"What!Halt! gem large gems" and "Gem what gem great shall"-What Meg tells Noel when they go out shopping.
"Gem gem that large shawl"-What Meg buys as a new coat.

Kate Arthurs
"Karate hurts"-What Kate tells Bonehead after a fight. "Ruth's karate"-What she tells Bonehead after a match.
Trash tear UK-What Bonehead does to a hotel room. "Rash UK treat"-Kate tells Bonehead after trashing a hotel room.

Ruth Mc Guigan
Hurt magic gun-What Ruth does when she's tired of Guigsy's "magic"
Matching guru-What Ruth is for a depressed Guigsy
Much turn a gig-What they did to get Patrick. ha ha ha ;)
Much grin a gut-What Guigs did when he found out Ruth was pregs.

Liz (Atkins) White
Size thin walk it-What Liz is told to do as a model
Silk twit in haze-How someone once described Liz
A tits whiz liken-What Alan likes about his wife (oh brother!)

Comments or Anagram additions:

How did you find my page?
Do you like The Beatles? awesome overrated
Do you like Oasis? awesome overrated

Tony & "Bill" and Tony & Bill?!
My Dream--February 14, 1998
This is my oasis dream that I had around Feb. 14, 1998. It's kinda interesting I suppose, and I thought it was pretty cool anyways. My dream began I suppose in this sort of antique shop, or so I thought. Obviously my family and I were on this trip to see my aunt Janice and we stopped at this fancy, mostly wooden house. We went inside but I thought it was a little odd that there was a cash register and a counter like at a gift shop or hotel in one corner of the room. I remember walking around a bit and looking at some antique/crafty type knick-knacks and thinking how it reminded me of my family's trip last summer to Wooster, OH. Suddenly my aunt comes out and tells us that she'll give us a tour of the house and such, and show us how her son Clancy and his wife Carrie had fixed up the basement. I remember that there was this other lady going along on the tour and she kept talking about seeing her niece Margeret later on. I remember in my dream walking up some stairs and around corners and looking at all of the stuff displayed and then we got to this sort of landing and my aunt showed my mom this old baby buggy that she claimed they either slept in or played with as kids. Suddenly though I looked past that over to the left and saw a flight of stairs going down into the basement and I could hear people laughing or talking. Then my aunt says that we can go down this way and see Clancy & Carrie and their one-yr. old daughter Cara (right now Cara is only 3 months old.) I remember seeing the baby and thinking it was cute then I heard or saw another baby, and there was this blonde woman sitting up in a hospital-like bed. She had a lady beside her holding a tiny baby and I figured she must be her mother. The other middle aged woman suddenly passed me on the stairs and said "Margaret." I thought it was odd that they all had British accents and I heard my aunt say something about the house being a bed & breakfast Inn. Then I heard a guy laughing off to the left and I looked around the doorway and saw Noel Gallagher talking and laughing with this middle-aged guy I assumed to be his father-in-law. I then looked back to the woman in the bed and realised it was Meg, then I half stumbled and started to laugh, sort of a "Candid Camera" type moment. THen I squealed and shouted "Noel" and began causiously walking toward him, but I suddenly fainted and woke up in my own bed at home. I don't know if the dream means they'll hve a bby in December or not but it sure was fun.!
