Curt Hennig

Height: 6'3''

Weight: 235 lbs.

Finishing Move: The Perfect Plex

Titles Held: 2x WWF Intercontinental Champ, 1x WCW United States Champ, 1x WCW Tag Team Champ

Manager/valet(s): The Genius, Bobby Heenan, The Coach

Other Aliases: Mr. Perfect

Curt Hennig was born into wrestling, as his father was former AWA wrestler Larry "The Ax" Hennig. Hennig also went to high school with several other future Minnesota wrestling stars, most notably his friend Rick Rude. He made his wrestling debut in 1979, and wrestled around the independents, as well as had a short WWF stint. He formed a tag team with Scott Hall in the AWA, and won the tag titles with him. He also won the AWA World Title from Nick Bockwinkel, but the promotion was about to go under.

A short time later, he signed with the WWF and assumed the monker Mr. Perfect, claiming he could do anything better than anybody. In 1989, at WrestleMania V, he made his WM debut. He beat the Blue Blazer, aka the late Owen Hart. He then beat the Red Rooster at SummerSlam, and had a rapid rise in the fall. He took on the Genius as his manager, and they stole the World Title from Hulk Hogan, smashing it with a hammer. Hennig lasted until the end of the Royal Rumble in 1990, until he was eliminated by Hogan. He also interfered in the Genius's match against Brutus Beefcake, setting up a match at WrestleMania VI, which resulted in Hennig's first TV loss. Also at WM VI, the IC Champ Ultimate Warrior beat Hogan for the World Title. He gave up the IC belt, and a tournament was held. Hennig dumped the Genius and took on Bobby Heenan as his manager, and won the tournament, beating Tito Santana in the finals. He lost the belt at SummerSlam to Kerry Von Erich, but won it back a few months later.

He feuded with the Big Bossman in 1991, leading up to a match at WrestleMania VII, which Bossman won by DQ. Hennig lost the title to Bret Hart at SummerSlam, and suffered a nearly career ending back injury in the process. However, he showed up a few weeks later as the "Excecutive Consultant" to Ric Flair, who had just arrived in the WWF. Hennig managed Flair to the World Title, and helped him to defend it until losing it to Randy Savage at WrestleMania VIII. A fair Savage/Ultimate Warrior match was scheduled for SummerSlam, until Perfect and Flair intervened. Hennig claimed he would be in the corner of one of the participants, setting them both on edge. At SummerSlam, Perfect and Flair attacked both men, and injured Savage's knee. It was all a setup so Flair could win the title back from Savage a few nights later, with the help of Razor Ramon, aka Scott Hall. However, Flair's reign only lasted a couple of months before losing it to Bret Hart. Flair and Ramon were set to meet Savage and the Warrior at Survivor Series until the Warrior left the WWF. Savage asked Perfect to take his place, and thanks to Bobby Heenan opening his mouth, Hennig decided to accept. They beat Flair and Ramon by count out, and Hennig and Flair decided the WWF wasn't big enough for the both of them.

In late January 1993, Hennig beat Flair with the stipulation that Flair had to leave the WWF if he lost. Heenan, however, had a new charge, "The Narcissist" Lex Luger, and sent him after Perfect. Hennig lost to Luger at WrestleMania IX. Hennig entered the King of the Ring Tournament and made it to the semi finals before losing to Bret Hart. He went for the IC belt against Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam, but was counted out. He left the WWF shortly thereafter, and wasn't seen again for a few years.

He reappeared at the 1995 Survivor Series, doing commentary. That's where he stayed throughout 1996, besides refereeing a match between Shawn Michaels and Davey Boy Smith at the King of the Ring. Just when he was set to make his return to the ring against Hunter Hearst Helmsley, Helmsley attacked him, and goaded IC Champ Marc Mero into taking his place. Hennig revealed it was a setup by helping Hunter win the belt. However, he once again left the WWF.

He signed with WCW, and it was speculated whether he was going to side with WCW or the nWo. He teamed with Diamond Dallas Page in his debut, and replaced Arn Anderson in the Four Horsemen. However, just after winning the WCW US Title from Steve McMichael, Hennig turned on his fellow Horsemen and joined the nWo. He lost the belt to DDP and then feuded with Bret Hart, who had just arrived in WCW. He floundered for several years, first forming the "West Texas Rednecks" and then managing Shawn Stasiak, before WCW released him in 2000.

In January 2002, he made an appearance in the WWF Royal Rumble. He impressed so many people, that a contract offer was made. However, Hennig didn't go very far and was released a few months later after a drunken altercation on the way back from the WWF, now WWE, UK tour. He had a brief stint in NWA-TNA and in early 2003 announced plans to form his own promotion. However, on February 10th, hours before he was supposed at a show promoted by his friend Jimmy Hart, Hennig passed away in his hotel room.