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Natalie's Poetry Page

(This page is always under construction)

Yes, Natalie has finally added a poetry page! *S* I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I kept putting it off. Now is the time. Right now all of these are written by me, but if you would like me to add some of your poetry I will be happy to oblige. Don't be misled! I never said these were any good. *S* Actually, I have no idea about the quality of my poems because I hardly ever show them to anyone. The thing is, if someone reads my poetry, I don't want to be there while they are reading it. Anyway, I just added this section so there would be some variety. I don't expect everyone to like it. Also, sorry if the background bothers you. I just loved the tiger so much I had to put it there. *S*

  • Did You--This poem is pretty self-explanatory. I just happened to wake up one morning feeling down and I decided to write about it.
  • For a Friend--This was, obviously, written for a friend. *S*
  • Your Voice--I don't remember when, or why this one came about, but I like it. *S*
  • You--This is a weird one because I remember being depressed when I wrote it, but I don't remember if it was supposed to be finished or not.
  • Poison of Love--How I was feeling one night about relationships and love.
  • Love/Hate--I wrote these the same night I wrote "Poison". Obviously, I was in a negative mood. *S*
  • Drug Addiction--My latest depressing thoughts
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