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This Month in the Civil War




May 6- Arkansas and Tennesse pass secession ordinances..

May 10- Riots in St. Louis, Missouri.

May 13- Federal troops occupy Baltimore, MD.

May 20- North Caroline secedes.

May 24- Federal troops occupy Alexandria, VA.


May 3- Evac. of Yorktown by the Confederates.

Battle of Williamsburg, VA.

May 11- CSS Virginia burned to prevent capture.

May 25- Battle of Winchester, VA.

May 31- Battle of Fair Oaks, Virginia. General Joseph E. Johnston wounded. General Robert E. Lee assumes comand.


1-4-Battle of Chancellorsville, VA.

May 3- Second Battle of Fredricksburg and Battle of Salem Church, VA.

May 10- Death of Stonewall Jackson.

May 18- Siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi begins.


May 5-6 - Battle of the Wilderness, VA

May 7- Federals under Sherman start Atlanta Campaign..

May 11- Jeb Stuart mortally wounded at the battle of Yellow Tavern.


May 10- President Jefferson Davis captured

April 23-24 - Grand Review in Washington, DC

May 26- Surrender of the Confederate Army of Trans Mississippi at New Orleans

Note: Spaces left blank indicate no major happenings on these dates of the year.

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