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Welcome to Reiki Healing. A hands on approach for many kinds of illnesses. Located in Bangkok, Thailand:


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Reiki is an ancient healing art. It means "Universal Life Force Energy". The Reiki therapist works with the energy, allowing it to flow into areas of the body that are in need. When Reiki is applied it brings about deep relaxation and a sense of well-being. Reiki heals pain on the physical and emotional level. It also heals patterns that lead to pain sometimes without us knowing it or being able to put it into words. Reiki heals the body and emotions, bringing them into balance and promoting health, happiness, prosperity and long life. It is one of the greatest gifts that you can give yourself. Reiki is compatible with other healing modalities such as traditional medicine, chiropractic, massage therapy, holistic medicine, psychotherapy, etc. There is no greater gift one can offer than the energy of Unconditional Love - Reiki

My Spirtual Retreat to Sedone AZ.

When I was in Sedona I was thinking about how I can remember all that is happening or the stories that are unfolding. So, I began to meditate on the idea of how to share my stories with my online friends. At first I was not going to share any of my stories but I kept feeling that they needed to be shared. So, it came to me that I would share my experiences with stories and not just the whole trip. I hope you all enjoy them as much as I did.

"The Drumming"

It was about 6pm, and we were in our hotel room thinking of what to do next. So I said lets go try to find the medicine wheel that we saw in the picture down in the hotel lobby. So we were off to the road that they gave us directions too. As we approached the road the sun was dropping very fast. We started up the gravel road and came to a portion in the road that was really rocky. Seemed only a 4-wheel drive could make it up. So I decided not to keep going, thought I might insure my car lol and I needed it another 6 days. Also, it was starting to get dark very fast! Doesn't take long and its just moonlight out there which is so beautiful. So I turned around and headed back down the windy road. We came to a turn off to the right, and Sheri said turn right and out of nowhere I turned. LOL seemed we were being directed that way! When we drove in we found 2 cars already parked. There was a man with a bandanna around his head. It seemed as if he was setting up for some reason. So, I told Sheri to ask him were the medicine wheel is. If we are close to it or not. So, Sheri got out of the car and began to ask the man if he knew were the medicine wheel was. He responded " you know IM not sure, I don't get out in the woods here much!" So, we stood around a few minutes and just enjoyed the sunset and all the stars that were showing up as the sunset over the red rocks. So, I asked my friend if she was ready to go, and we sat in the car for a few minutes. Seemed all this time something was keeping us there. LOL just wasn't sure what it was. So, my friend got out of the car and walked over to the man and said "So what are you setting up for?" He responded " we come out here and have a drumming circle on every Saturday night." My ears were burning so I got out of the car, and about this time the other car that was there the people got back from hiking and sat by the man also. Seemed they didn't know him either and he asked them if they wanted to take a seat and drum a little. He had plenty of drums and instruments there for all. He did say he taught many people to drum so that is why he brought extras! I just sat infont of them on the rock, and listened. I felt uncomfortable to just start hitting a drum, lol IM not much of a drummer anyway. The, couple that were there already asked the man his name. His name was David; I didn't catch the last name. He, started telling us about himself, and said he was a local author and just wrote his second book. It was called something awakening. David seemed to be able to play any instrument, he had flutes, and all kinds of drums were very gifted. David said his friends would be around in a few with more "toys". LOL that cracked me up...meaning more drums and instruments. So, by this time it was pretty dark out and you could see the Milky Way and all the stars. We were out of town up in the hills. So, for the first hour I just sat and meditated to the music and the drumming it was so nice. They were really having a jam session with his friends and all! One of his friends when he got there put a big bass drum next to me and the rock I was sitting on. Seemed my guides were egging me on to start playing it. So, I picked up one mallet and began to do a slow beat along with the others. At this point there was about 10 people some strangers some of David's friends. The sounds were really coming together so nice. So, a few minutes later I picked up another mallet and had now 2 in my hand and started to really beat on this big drum. heheeh Well, we were jamming for 30 minutes at a time now. NON stop jamming. At one point , I was playing a solo heheeh. at the end of that about 40 min later. David says, " who is on the bass drum" lol I raise my hand and say me. David says " wow you are good, you almost lost us at one point" heeh well I felt my guides helping me some eheh So, were going on our 3rd hour being here playing, it was so fun time just flew by. Playing music and looking at falling stars what a life... was wonderful. So, we began to wind down on our last jam session lol that's what I call them cause they arnt songs. Just spirits playing to the beat of the drum and the flutes! This session lasted about 35 minutes. I was looking to the right just kinda dazing off and playing, feeling kinda tired and wanting this to be the last session lol. I wasn't use to this drumming eheheh. Then all of a sudden something happened!!!!! I was looking up to the right above about 4 feet above us... This white light about 6 inches in diameter flared.... It was like an eccentricity charge, and it came from no where. Was amazing I even heard the sound that it made. We all stopped playing and just sat there. I said did you all see that or what!!! They said I saw that with my eyes shut. It seems I was the only one looking at it directly. Everyone else saw a bright flicker of light. First I thought it was electricity, but remember we are in a place with no electricity or lights or anything. Then I thought it was a falling star, lol but no way that close with no debris. All I know it was an incredible looking ball of light, with sound also. I will let you all draw your own conclusions :-) As David said " the spirits were dancing

"Medicine Wheel"

Well, it seemed the spirit was still leading me to find the medicine wheel. Since I didn't find it the other night heeh found the drumming instead! Well, seems I went to a store in town. It was called the "New Age Hub" it had many healers and psychics and other people. I just looked around for awhile at first at the books and crystals. Then I came to a book that said " Medicine Wheels" I thought to myself, lol okay okay guides I will ask were they are in town! So, I asked one of the guys and they got a map and showed me exactly were they were. Seems, they are no longer on the same road that I first was told they were at. You know were the drumming took place! He explained the directions and I started off to find the medicine wheels. LOL and me with directions aren't all that good, and by this time I was alone on my trip, as it should be. I got to the bottom of a hill were it looked to be the right spot on the map. So I parked and got out of my car with water in hand and my backpack. So, I started up the gravel road and I came to this fence or gate I should say. It said private drive but I felt it was only private to cars so I started to walk past it. This gravel road went pretty far and I was starting to wonder if I was on the right path or not. At this point I don't see any medicine wheels or any signs saying were they are. I kept getting a feeling to keep going on, and I would come to them. Well, about 10 minutes later I stop and think well if I go back I will have for sure missed them. If I go forward the worse thing I can do is have walked for nothing eheheh. So I continued on this path! I finally see some markings of rocks, how people that visit scared places stack rocks up to show them respect I guess. Then I saw a sign, that said "path" so I took this path. I finally came to a medicine wheel it was very cool. I explored the paths and stumbled on about 4 all together in different places. There was a sign that said this land is dedicated for the silence and meditation, please respect the silence. I thought that was real cool. So then I walked farther in, and I heard 2 women laugh. This was strange but I didn't pay any attention to this and kept walking to the biggest medicine wheel. I then walked around it and gave an offering of my hair to the 6 directions, as it felt very right to do so before meditating. I got big chills as I did this. So I knew it was correct thing to do. Also, before coming the man explained that this land was used for all the Indians to meet on one a year they would put down their weapons and all meet on the hill. Very much history here and energy. I began to meditate, and I could just feel as if I could hear the Indians there still, having good time. It was so silent up there I was all alone.. But not afraid at all or uneasy. I felt so protected, and watched over. I got many chills though in the medicine wheel. I then was finished meditating, and started walking again and I was thinking about those 2 women that laughed as I first came. I thought to myself.humm there is no body here!!!! And I got big time chills as if my guides told me, derrick those were laughs you heard but not from anyone physical! Just then it did hit me that there wasn't a physical person anywhere on that hill, so I started my walk down to the car. The whole time I was having chills all over my body. As I was walking, I looked down and saw a rock. I picked it up and thought of my friend eagle-cloud, so I said a blessing to him ...then I put the rock down... lOL felt as if people were watching me as they probably were. And as I walked down, I saw many roads that made a V that I could have taken but the spirit led me right to the place was they were. Awesome I tell you...as you piece together events. What I learned was, the spirit is not blatant, at least with me they "guide" me but they don't take my hand. So it is teamwork to get down your path...... :-) So, I went back the next night at the sunsetting and burned some sage...and blessed


Seemed everywhere I went my trusty eagle would follow me! Always when I meditated I would look up at the end or the beggining and there he would be circling as if he was watching over me. Always keeping a trusty eye on me, I felt so wonderful. I felt so safe, many times I would be all alone on these huge red rocks of mountains. Just, in a meditation mode and trance like state. I gave many thanks to the great eagle for watching over me on this journey of mine. :-)

"Bell Rock"

As, I was climbing up Bell Rock- Vortex, it was so pretty and so calming. I could feel the energy, but to me it wasn't a vibrating hard energy but a soft and gentle one ...Running through your body, and healing and calming everything it came in path with. I started to climb the rocks, and was really enjoying myself. I went up about 3 levels, as you see when I get the pictures up this will make sense! Overtime I found myself stuck or could go no further the spirit reached a hand out and showed me the way as if it was a light house in the distance shining on my path to take. As I kept climbing, I started to hear something in the distance. I was beginning to understand what I was being led to, but still wasn't sure. I started to make out the sound and I heard an Indian chanting. Not just little chanting this was a full out prayer of some kind. Was very beautiful to listen to. I took a seat below them, they really couldn't tell I was there. It seemed as if I would stay put there and respect them while they were chanting and singing. Then, they started to play the flute, how pretty that was, so I just sat and meditated to the sounds. The view was awesome to see above the whole country. I heard them walking down, after about 30 min and I was excited to see them. The impression I got was 1 Indian up there chanting and singing and playing the flute. To, my surprise when I saw them there was a man and a women..The women was African American and the man looked white to me...ehheheh Well, I told them what beautiful chants and flutes they could do. But, I learned a very good lesson here...." NOT all is what it appears to be or what we make of it" That was a great lesson for me to learn.... It's our spirit inside, not the outer shell that is important. But I was already labeling what they looked like. I thank them for that lesson and thank the spirit for leading me there..

If you would like a hands on healing or a distance healing please email me below.

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