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Marcia's Survivors Page

I am an adult survivor of incest. This home page is dedicated to all survivors who have the courage to come forward. About me....I have chronic fatigue and Epstein Barr. Some days I cannot even "remind" my body to get out of bed. It doesn't want to cooperate with me. But I cannot quit. I will not quit. These diseases will not harm me. I have too much to do yet. I have to watch my grandchildren grow and I will. I am very proud of myself for getting here. I work two jobs, maintain a home with a 17 year old still at home. I am mother, homemaker, and wife. I was sexually molested by my brother at a very early age. It went on for a very long long? I don't know. I just know that my memories have haunted me since I can remember. I have been in and out of therapy for decades. I am just now starting back. Winter brings my depression about face. And boy, did it hit this year. I have panic attacks and I am learning to deal with them again. I confronted my brother about the abuse over five years ago. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him. Boy, did I have why me? He didn't know why. He is an alcoholic. But the strangest thing is that I must have been so niave... because I was raped by other men. One of them was the father of the children I babysat for when I was 15. Of course, I didn't tell my parents. After all, they didn't believe me when I told them about my brother. I thought that I must wear a neon sign on my forehead that said. "I needed to be abused"?!!? I married at 18 to get out of the house. I married a man who physically abused our son and myself. I was raped by my husband and a few of his friends during our 12 year marriage (more than once). Our home was broken into and I was raped by the thief after he stole our though it was an afterthought. I believe at the time I thought that it was a normal life in many ways. (wrong!) I still get angry now as I think about it. But what was "normal" after all? I didn't know what a dysfuntional family was. I thought it was very "normal". My parents were very loving people....who to this day do not believe that sexual abuse could take place in their home under their noses...after all they were "good parents". They surely would know if something like that was going on.But it did happen. They accept that it must be true if I said it...but do not believe it. But when I did tell my mother about the abuse by my brother and her response was..."It happens in the best of families". I feel so funny as I write this and read it. It seems..even now.. that it happened to someone else. I now know what dysfunctional is and what a "normal" relationship can be. I pray that if this has happened to anyone of you that you will face your demons and come forward with the truth. It was truly the hardest personal hardship I have ever faced. I do not wish this on anyone...but if we just have the strength to help each other heal then we can move mountains. We are strong together. If you know anyone who has been abused or is a survivor of incest..give them my club address.

I have been blessed with many gifts....I believe my "clarvoiance" came from my abuse. I have been given the gift of reading palms. I never knew others didn't have theses gifts. I thought everyone did saw auras around people. At first I believed it was a curse...then I later learned to accept it. It can be fun and it can be draining.

If you are interested in visiting my Yahoo club for incest new friends there are some of the most caring and loving people you ever met. These people are warm and sincere. Just click on and visit.

I wish each and every one of your dreams come true. May you succeed and live each and every day as if it were your last day...full of everything and the simple things.


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