Welcome To Meg's World!

Okay Folks, some good news! I'm changing the beginning of this page...If you liked the old one, well hell, just scroll down to the end of this page and you can read the whole damn thing! *lol* But I for one feel the page needed a bit of a face lift! I'll do a little at a time but for now, you'll hafta settle for a new intro! Hey, I'm a hard-working grrl ya know! Anyways, I hope you guys like my page and if ya don't, hell, I don't care all that much anyways! I'm doing this page for me and for my buds and if ya don't like it, ya can stick it! One little thing while I'm here...If you visit, take two damn minutes and sign the book!!! It won't kill ya, promise! *goes into a frenzy beating up everything in sight then smoothes out her clothes and sits back down* Okay, I'm done now! Well, have fun, enjoy and don't feed the animals...

What's Inside?

  • Inside My Head
  • My Sis
  • My Carrol
  • Me and My Grrl!!!
  • Johnno
  • Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dummer
  • My Darlin' Nicky Aka Fern
  • The "Ronies"!
  • The Good, the Bad, the Grrls!!
  • Someone I got in Shit For Forgetting About!
  • Someone New...Check Him Out...(tasty even!)
  • Someone I wanted to Introduce
  • Just a Little Something to Make You Think...
  • Just a Little Town
  • A Few Other things...
  • CT Latte
  • Life at Tina's
  • Party Life with the Reg's!
  • Something to Think About
  • My Bitches In Pembroke!!
  • The Dearly Departed...

    My Guestbook, sign it cause hey, if you really loved me, you would :)
    See who already proved they love me!

    My Homes Away From Home

    Fyrbird's Den- Johnno's page
    Chicago Singles- One of my fave chats
    Just check this page out!
    One of the best comics to hit the net!
    Resse's Humble Abode

    Submit your URL for free at:

    Email: stokerm@hotmail.com
    banner.gif (7943 bytes)

    Alas, I regret to inform you that you have fallen into my clutches. Once visiting this page, I cannot be held accountable for anything you may do on the "outside". Enough of this bull. Well you've all been warned. I've been harrassed for the longest time to get myslef a page so here it is. I'm dedicating it so Silent~Lucidity, my cyber-mom, Kris Olley, a friend from outta town who's been trying to help me with all this crap and Fyrbird, a very groovin real life friend of mine. Kudos to all my friends with their pages. More thing will be added as I get the time seeing as I'm such a party grrl! But soon, this page will probably be enough to drive any normal person insane at which time they can join me in my padded room where I eat rubber chicken with plastic utensils. And just in case my cyber sis Bekka stops by sometime, we'll go for that street water tea next time you're in town... I can't forget Strider, my cyber-dad who's been there for his "L'il Princess". Well enough of this crap. I'm just getting started here but soon enough it's be just as crazy as me. Pics will be put in basically, as soon as I figure out how to do it! Anyone with any suggestions for my page or any tips (no nasty insults and digs on my page!) you can get me at stokerm@hotmail.com

    Okay folks, I bet yer getting tired of looking at the same old front page with nothing new added! Well god dammit people! I can only do soooo much! Mother of Murphy! You people are WAYYYYYYY too demanding! haha, just kidding....anyways, have fun...

    Love Always




    Stoker, Phreakis, Lucky*, Jamies, Flame*, Fallen_Angel,Maggie

    and a few others *wink*

    Seems to me this first page needed a little more updating than a few extra links...A few new things...Sarah and Nick will soon be going out, Me and Colin broke up but it looks like we're getting back together, I just found out I need shoulder surgery (no need to cry, just send flowers or money!) and well, the whole Reg crew is just having a ball...S~L is still threatening to send me to Ms. Peabody's Home for Wayward Grrls....the usual:op... Oh, BTW Resse got the net too and is starting up here own page so check it out!