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You leave the mare more than a little wary, paying extra attention to the trail before you so you don't bump into anyone else. That's probably the only thing that keeps you from running into yet another unicorn, this one a pretty, slender chestnut mare with an ivory horn and an expression of quiet amusement on her face. She swishes her long auburn tail as she regards you, finally speaking with a lilted voice.

"Your kind always amuses me," she admits, grinning. "I'm glad I don't fear you like our Valley cousins, the Flame Unicorns."

"You're a special type of unicorn?" you ask, curious, and she nods before ducking her head.

"Crystal unicorns. A long time ago they fostered some of the foals out, and then the bands changed their policies and kept the Valley closed. They've since reopened open adoptions and I was selected to travel to another realm. This is becoming common practice within the webworlds and I believe that the Guardian is trying to rally support from various native race elders to create such a program here.

"Though I'm never one to doubt the Guardian I imagine she'll have to start smaller; an inter-world breeding program for a non-sentient species would suffice. Almost all of our herbivores are such so I don't think it will be that much of a problem. None of the native creatures reproduce fast enough to pose a threat to natural inhabitants of other lands, either--as long as the overseers make regular check on their crops' progress, things should be fine." She pauses, realizing you don't have a clue what she's talking about, and blushes profusely.

"I'm sorry. I always tend to go off on random tangents when I get on a topic that interests me. Guardian says I'd be a great ambassador if the need for one ever arose." She beams quietly.

"Guardian?" You've never heard the term used as a name before in this realm.

"Yes. The overseer.. Lar'na'na? Sarnah?" Seeing your confusion hasn't been cleared up, she shakes her head in distress. "Oh, dear. You've much to learn indeed. You probably don't even know what the name of the forest is, do you?" You shake your head no and she gives you a pitying look.

"You /do/ have much to learn. I would tell you the story but I haven't the time." She swishes her tail again and trots neatly by you, nodding as she passes.

"Perhaps you should ask Jyalen. She knows almost as much as I about the island and she's only a quarter as much experience as I have." She grins goofily, bobs her head again, and starts off at a lope. You manage to thank her before she bounds off the path and disappears into the forest, leaving you to continue forward.

You walk around a few more bends and catch light reflecting off something to your left. Naturally, you glance that way, and find a black and white pinto unicorn watching you with silent interest. She's lying with her legs folded neatly under her, head turned back over her shoulder. You apparently walked by her without even noticing. Other than the black splotches on her coat and her coal black eyes, she's totally white; only the very tips of her tail are darkened.

"Are you Jyalen?" you ask her, stopping apprehensively. She tilts her head slightly.

"Jyalen's'Zren I be. I take it Sein'Fallo sent you if you're using that horrid nickname?" You give a half-nod, not quite sure if she wants you to reply in the affirmative. She snorts but doesn't bother to get up.

"What did she sign me up for this time?" the mare asks drolly, voice deep and steady for a female but with a hint of maternal amusement. Odd, since you thought Sein was older.

"She said something about the name of the forest."

Jyalen gives a slight nod, mood darkening. "The Dreamer's Forest is the name of this woodland. It's named for the Guardian." Her voice and manner is suddenly very mysterious, and while the story itself isn't all that intriguing, her facade is. "This island--all of the islands in the chain, actually--didn't really exist before the Creator Believed. She made the islands what they are, right down to the persnickety kelani who won't even cooperate with her. There are lots of creators in your world, but most of them never think to go beyond Believing realms into exist--they never Believe themself onto their creations! Thankfully Sarnah figured it out.

"The forest itself was her very first creation, a beautiful woodland that would serve as a haven for every creature under the moons. It has its fair share of glitches but it's not too bad for a first Thought. So far you've just been following the path, correct?" You give a nod in response, and she gives a word of approval.

"It may seem odd to follow a tiny trail winding all through the woods with plenty others in sight and no end to your own, especially when it doubles up and goes in circles. You should always stay on the path, however; if it forks you'll be all right but if you step off onto another random trail you could be led to a dead end--or worse. Sarnah's Thoughts were more realistic than idealistic in the beginning." She gives another wise nod, and while you don't quite understand, you attempt a weak smile.

She stops suddenly, frowning at you. "You should leave. You've been here far too long. I think I've more than helped out Sein." You're startled by the request, but obediently start walking by. Her gaze is distant, her expression sad, and there's no movement save for a soft breeze playing through her mane.

You're sure there's a story behind Jyalen, but she's not telling. You really have no choice but to continue.

Name: Sein'Fallo Jyalen's'Zren
Meaning: Lunar Breath Season's Spark
ID: 066 079
Age: Adult Adult
Gender: Female Female
Dam: Kabiyoi (D) Zteky'sha (053)
Sire: Celi (B) Fali'Daziee (054)
Birth Band: Y^zin'Ar's Dundra
Mate/Band: Nanri'Desta None
Offspring: None None
From: The Flame Valley The Flame Valley