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                        "She made home happy!"----these
                               few words I read
                          within a churchyard, written      
                                on a stone
                          No name, no date, the simple          
                                words alone,
                          Told me the story of the                                                   
                                unknown dead.    

one and all to my webpage. Sit back and relax and I hope you enjoy reading about my family.

As I began to research my family and that of my husband's I began to feel like a detective.You are always on the lookout for that one clue that will lead you to that one relative that you have been looking for.You find yourself looking at anything old that may just contain the name or some important date that has been eluding you.You light up everytime you hear or see the same name being researched in the hopes that you can make that connection. You feel like it is Christmas when you finally do come upon that one name because you know that sooner or later the rest will follow. That is what us family researchers enjoy. We love the hunt just as much as the find. I have been searching for my family for a little over a year now and in that short time I have met many wonderful and helpful people from all over the world who are willing to help even if a connection to the families never occurs. I want to THANK those people who are to numerous to count but there have been a few who know who they are and how grateful I am to them for their help.

Please continue with my journey as I list my surnames and my family that I have found. I started with only 6 and now it has grown to many more. I hope to add more information on my family as I come across it. Everyone's family is special in its own way and worth looking for.


      ELL         ARLEDGE    MCGARITY    MARTIN         HOPKINS         DICKERSON (*)
      REID        BETHEL     ARENT       WILLIAMS       PRATT           ROBLEE
      KINSER      BLACK      MANN        DILGER         TOWNSEND        THOMAS
      GLOYD       BLUE       SMITH       THOMPSON       CROSBIE         EVANS 
      HOWDYSHELL  CASTOR                 BARTOW         KILGORE         EASTMAN      
      JOOS        CHILCOAT               McCONHEAY      WEBSTER         MOXLEY
      WILSON      COUGHLIN               GRUBBS         CORNELL 
      DOSS        COURTNEY               SPENCER        NELSON     
      SEXTON      FOUST
      REIGEL      HILES


James B. Arledge m. Mary E. Butler John Arledge m. Ethel May Vanfossen Paul Arledge m. Aedelia Ann Reid Frank Bartow m. Becky Martin James Bell m. Hester Ann Vanfossen 29 Jun 1857 William Bethel m. Mamie Vanfossen Forest Black m. Hattie Vanfossen Alvin Blue m. Florence Vanfossen George Craig Brinkmoeller m Tiffany Frentsos 1994 William J. Brokaw m. Lucy Vanfossen 28 Aug 1856 Forrest Brunney m. Christine Doss Russell Bowers m. Tressa Vanfossen Phillip Boyer m. Ella Kennedy William Congrove m. Elizabeth Carpenter Guy Conrad m. Goldie Vanfossen Gerald Bernard Cornell m Nancy Lee Hopkins 1988 m Thomas Frentsos 1970 Terry Courtney m. Louise K. Reid Aaron Crider m. Mathilda Vanfossen 26 Jan 1854 Shawn Michael Crosbie m Heather Nelson 1992 John Crosbie m Mary Louise Hopkins 1970 m private Joseph Gilbert Crosbie m Mary McNamara Ronald Davis m Grace Ell Harold S. Dickerson m. Genevieve Roblee James Dilger m. Lois Ufferman Male Donahue m. Flossie Doss Thomas Dorsey m. Margaret Vanfossen Daniel W. Doss m Belva Castor 24 Jan 1903 m. Cinderilla Chilcoat 27 Dec 1853 Albert Donald Doss m. Maggie Margaret Euchler Artie Clyde Doss m. Thelma ??? Austin Douglas Doss m. Martha E. Neighborgaill 16 Aug 1885 Coleman E. Doss m. Bertha Saddler 10 Aug 1893 Elma Agnes Doss m. John Tanner 24 Oct 1924 Elmer Alfreid Doss m. Alice May Smith m. Myrtle Carlot Wycoff 23 Dec 1893 Elza Allen Doss m. Harriet Davis 26 May 1895 E. Ruth Jane Doss m. Michael Charles Derryberry Ernest Virgie Doss m. Estell A. Stineman 30 Jan 1895 Genevive J. Doss m. William H. Rutledge George W. Doss m. Emily Conn 28 Feb 1878 Harry M. Doss m. Helen Lydia Knott Harvey Alfred Doss m. Karen Sue Lehman m. Bonnie Hilstrom m. Susan McElheney James Doss m. Mary Slaughter 24 Oct 1884 Lafayette Doss m. Mary A. Cullum 7 Nov 1876 Leonard Vernon Doss m. Lola Palmer 27 Mar 1900 Lewis Austin Doss m. Naomi Black Lewis W. Doss m. Thelma ???? Lydia Jane Doss m. George Roach Nora A. Doss m. Louis Elmer Radcliff 4 Jun 1900 Margaret Ann Doss m. Arthur Dectrick Margaret Lucille Doss m. Harold W. White 2 Sep 1937 Marquies Delafyette Doss m Mary Ann Reigel 31 Oct 1867 m Mary Ann Clinwell 28 Jul 1850 Mariah Doss m. Albert Jordan Derryberry Panca Doss m. Charles O. Boven 17 Jan 1900 Raymond A. Doss m. Alice M. Smith Raymond B. Doss m. Myrtle Perry 19 Jul 1922 Walter W. Doss m. Cathern Marie Alersinger 1933 Samuel Ell m. Elvira Gloyd Charles Luther Ell m. Ida Mae Kinser Curtis Salee Ell m. Elma Alice Reid m. Lillie Young David Ell m. Linda ????? m. Angela Sullivan George W. Ell m. Vesta ? Ralph W. Ell m. Patricia Turner m. Ellen ???? Harold Curtis Ell m. Kate ??? John Edward Ell m. Barbara ??? Jack Foust m. Inez Vanfossen Jacob Foust m. Lettie Thompson Floyd Francis m. Grace Vanfossen John Greenlee m. Ellie Vanfossen Michael Grubbs m Tamara Kay Thompson 1989 Andrew Hedges m. Leona Vanfossen John W. Hiles m. Dana Miller Raymond M. Hiles m. Nora Grace Reid 28 Jun 1923 George Halsted Hopkins m. Florence Townsend George Harrold Hopkins m. Edna Pratt Stephen Jeffrey Hopkins m. Brenda Elaine Martin 14 May 1977 George Henry Hopkins m. Margaret Dickerson(*) 25 Jun 1947 m. Harold Thomas 1940 m. Allen Evans 1981 Frank Howdyshell m. Elsie Onalee Reid Ceilan Hulbert m. ?????? Thomas Joos m. Lucille Reid Edd Kennedy m. Jennie Vanfossen Ray Kennedy m. Mary Maxwell Robert Kennedy m. Mary Hermon Donald Kilbarger m. Diane Mowery Al Kilgore m. Ruth Hopkins Gladys Mabel Kerkendall m. Harry Neff William Kerkendall m. Gladys Mable Doss 16 Mar 1909 Jacob Lindsay m. Martha Vanfossen 26 Jul 1885 Harry Russell Mann m. Lucy Agnes Reid Benjamin Franklin Martin Sr. m. Naomi May Ell 20 Jul 1950 Benjamin Franklin Martin Jr. m. Jann Dilger Feb 1973 Silas E. Martin m. Margaret Williams 6 Oct 1918 m. Robert F. Kinnison William David Martin m. Martha Spencer Cecil Metcalf m. Pansey Vanfossen Fred McCabe m. Daisey Maude Vanfoosen Jmaes Mohorney m. Elizabeth Thompson Richard Morse m. Betty Hiles Jack Mowery m. Bernadine Doss Jonathan Orr m. Mary (Polly) Vanfossen 31 Aug 1843 James Park m. Mary Jo Reid Frederick Horn Partridge m. Mary E. Root 1848 Oscar Poling m. Mary Geneva Vanfossen 25 Aug 1881 Daniel B. Pratt m. Fannie Herrick Henry Otis Pratt m Irene ??? Male Radcliff m. Nora Almyra Doss Ernest Reed m. Glenna Doss Cecil L. Reid m. Sylvia Richards Charles Reid m. ? Donald Lee Reid m. Wanda E. Moore 11 Dec 1964 George Reid m. Emma E. Decker 6 Aug 1896 George Reid m. Elizabeth Reigel 30 Jan 1855 George Lafayette Reid m. Theresa Mayville George N. Reid m. Dorcas? George W. Reid m. Loreta Turner 4 Oct 1840 James Ronald Reid m. Phyllis ? John Harvey Reid m. Bertha A. Wilson John Reid m. Rebecca Duvall 15 Aug 1867 Nelson Reid m. Asbrene Ardelia Doss 25 Dec 1892 Nelson Luther Reid m. Nellie Evelyn Vanfoosen 14 Jun 1929 Patrick Vincent Reid m. ? Mar 1987 Roger Lee Reid m. Sherry Chinchic Jun 1996 Ronald Lynn Reid m. ? George Reigel m. Sarah Gerrett 23 Feb 1840 Issac Reigel m. Susan Reed 17 Mar 1864 Samuel Reigel m. Sarah Hey 1 Jan 1828 Josiah Reigel m. Sarah Ann Leist 6 Feb 1859 Thomas Reigel m. Susannah Steward 1 Oct 1863 Henry Scott Roblee m. Fern Howting m. Alma Lovisa Partridge 22 Aug 1880 Leonard Roblee m. Carol Leigh Lowell Allen Roblee m. Donna Pratt Leland Henry Scott Roblee m. Virginia Langdon Howard Roll m. Cora Vanfossen Jon Root m. Polly Eastman 1789 Stephen Root m. Hannah Moxley 1821 Harry Russell m. Lucy Reid Gerald Seesoltz m. Ruth Vanfossen Richard Sexton m. Rebecca ? Robert Sexton m. Dorthy Louise Ell Robert Shannon m. Evelyn Marie Ell Alford Sharp m. Dana Vanfossen Claude R. Smith m. Mary Gertrude Reid John Smith m. Joan Hiles Harold Sullivan m. Mary Maryoh Doss Homer Sullivan m. Billie ??? David Swalbaugh m. Cynthia Ellen Vanfossen 7 Nov 1880 Gary Taylor m. Debra Davis Carl Thompson m. Judy Ellen Martin 23 Dec 1958 Ruby Thompson m. Meda Jackson Willis R. Thompson m. ? Albert W. Vanfossen m. Sarah Catherine Congove Benjamin Vanfossen m. Mary Orr 2 Jan 1844 Dayton Vanfossen m. Charrlot Hesket Edwin Rudolphus Vanfossen m. Hester N. Mahoney 14 Feb 1866 Emanuel Murphy Vanfossen m. Maria Hooper 6 Apr 1880 George Vanfossen m. Minnie Childers George Washington Vanfossen m. Elizabeth Schooley Homer Vanfossen m. Mary A. Arledge James Rufus Vanfossen m. Emma Drake James W. Vanfossen m. Mary Ellen Sharp John Vanfossen m. Emily Esque 13 Feb 1844 John Allen Vanfossen m. Alpha Diehl 24 Dec 1891 Leslie Vanfossen m. Alice Collins Minard Vanfossen m. Marie Poling m. Ada Stout Nathan Vanfossen m. Malissa Hamilton Ralph Clifford Vanfossen m. Lelah Ebert Robert Shannon Vanfossen m. Sophia Herron 27 Dec 1884 Robert Vanfossen m. Edna Shupe 20 Feb 1923 Rollie Vanfossen m. Ruth Congrove 28 Feb 1899 Roy Vanfossen m. Emma Schaeffer Rufus B. Vanfossen m. Rosa Congrove Wilber Vanfossen m. Mary A. Arledge William Vanfossen m. Mary ??? William Beecher Vanfossen m. Martha Disbennett Jack Vincent m. Lydia Ann Vanfossen James Willard Watson m. Ruth Thompson Martha Frances Watson m. Paul Snyder Wellard Watson m. Ruby Doss John Webster m. Margery Hopkins David Williams m. Eva McConheay 28 Nov 1900 George Wilson m. Elizabeth ? Charles Woogeard m. Clara Reid (*)=adopted


I have many others that are related by marriages. I believe that the Ell and Doss line were
from Germany. The Reid line from Ireland. The Hopkins'line is said to have come from the Mayflower Hopkins' or the signer of the Declaration of Indepenence. I have not been able
to go back far enough back to figure that out yet. They all ended up in Ohio in the 1800's. My
line of the Hopkins' came from Texas to Ohio in the 1900's. As for the rest I am not
sure of where they started from. But most of them ended up in Ohio.


On the following pages I have listed names and any dates I have. It will be updated often as I
find new information. I hope you will continue and if the same person is in your family please email me, and maybe we can exchange information. HAPPY HUNTING.

My father Benjamin F. Martin, Sr. served in WWII. He received an Honorable Discharge on December 14, 1945. He was part of the 2005th Aviation Engineers Platoon, 313th
Transport Squadron. He was inducted on April 7, 1943 in Clarksburg, Ohio. He participated in Rhineland Aredennes Campaign. He received for his service the Good Conduct Medal, EAME Thr.Ser. Medal with 3 Bronze Stars, and the Victory Medal.
During my father's childhood he attended Sand Run Elementary School in Ward Township, Nelsonville, Ohio in the 1920's. His teacher's name was Adrien Turner. I have a school photo from the newspaper showing his class and it stated that very few of the kids were wearing shoes. Lucky for my Dad he was one of the few.

My Grandfather Silas E. Martin was killed in an accident at Superior Pipeline Co. in Logan, Ohio at the age of 53.

I have heard stories growing up that members of my family where horsethieves, robbers, and moonshine makers along with some who made great strides in the protection of our country in all the major wars. One of my jobs is to find out what is truth and what is fiction.


I found a copy of a war record for my Grandfather Ell's brother Thorton K. Ell in the "Ohio Soliders, Sailors and Marines, World Wars, 1917-1918". This is the most I have been able to find out about him it states: Ell, Thorton K. 95150, white, Carroll, Ohio. NG Lancaster, Ohio June 2/17. Br. Groveport, Ohio 24 2/12 yers. Co. L4 inf. ONG (Co.L 166 Inf) to disch. Pvt. lcl Spet. 3/17; Pvt. June 8/18. Champagne-Marne; Defensive Sector. WIA severly July 15/18. AEF Oct. 29/17 to Mar. 18/19. Hon. disch. Mar 29/19. 50 % disabled. Now if I can only find out more about his family and my Grandfather.

I came across in the DAR Lineage Book a write up concerning my husband's grandmother who I was having a hard time finding anything out about. It states: Mrs. Genevieve Roblee Dickerson # 135096 Born in Hillsdale, Michigan, Wife of Harold S. Dickerson. Descendant of John Root, as follows: 1. Henry Scott Roblee (b. 1858) m. 1880 Alma L. Partridge (b. 1858.) 2. Frederick Horn Partridge (1823-86) m. 1st 1848 Mary E. Root (1822-63). 3. Stephen E. Root (1795-1883) m. 1st 1821 Hannah Moxley (1800-89). 4. John Root m. 1st 1789 Polly Eastman (1769-1848). John Root (1760-1834) received a pension, 1832 for service as a private in the Connecticut troops under Captains Barber and Loomis. He was born in Bolton, Conn.; died in Royalton, VT. After find- ing this it lead me to finding out lots of members of that family and answered some questions I had as to why the family had kept letters and mementos of the Partridge Family. One of many mysteries solved.

My Greatgrandmother Elvira Gloyd Ell Williams b. 10 May 1837 d. 21 Aug 1882

I have recently come upon some names in the Gloyd line but am not sure how they fit in. MARY ANN GLOYD b.1817 d.1880 OHIO Buried in Fernwood Cemetary, Franklin Co. NELSON H. GLOYD b.1851 d. 1934 OHIO Buried in Fernwood Cemetary, Franklin Co. MARGARET E. GLOYD b. 1852 d. 1935 OHIO Buried in Fernwood Cemetary, Franklin Co. Is Mary Ann Nelson's mother? Are Nelson and Margaret married? Are they Elvira's parents? Hopefully in the near future I will be able to answer these questions. If anyone out there knows the answer to these, I beg of you to get in touch with me.

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