From: Musalkazim Ali [] Sent: Monday, December 20, 1999 11:45 AM To: Subject: FREE DITA SARI ACTION IN THE NETHERLANDS. FREE DITA SARI ACTION On Wednesday, july 8, Youth organisation Rebel and Student Solidarity with Indonesia, delivered some 1000 FREE DITA SARI cards at the Indonesian embassy in The Hague in the Netherlands. The cards demanded the immediate release of Labour leader Dita Sari. They were send to us by students and other youth. Some 30 activists witnessed how the personel of the embassy refused to come outside and receive the cards. Rebel member Erik Maarsen made the following statement: "Today Dita Sari is being held in prison for exactly two years. Her "crime": leading a demonstration of some 20.000 workers in Surabaya. Dita Sari is chairperson of the Indonesi-an Centre for Labour Struggle (PPBI). Besides Dita there are still a few hundred political prisoners in Indonesia. Among them, Budiman Sudjatmiko, chair of the still illegal Democra-tic People's Party, PRD, Xanana Gusmao, leader of East-Timore-se opposition and several members of the Communist Party of Indonesia that are imprisoned already for over 30 years. Although the Habibie regime speaks in vague terms about the release of political prisoners and "reform", there are only a few prisoners being released up till now. It is absolutely unclear whether Dita and the others will be released some time soon. It's of great importance to put maximum pressure on the regime. Hundred thousands of Indonesians came to the streets in May and demanded an end of oppression and dictatorship. These days people are still fighting for total reform. Recently, workers from different areas held protest meetings and demanded higher wages, lower prices, an end of the discrimination of female workers and the release of Dita Sari. Soldiers hit on the demonstrators and used electric prods. This shows how little has changed since Suharto stepped down. The Orde Baru regime that is based on terror and intimidation is still in charge. We support the Indonesian people in their fight for democracy and human rights. We demand: * The immediate release of Dita Sari and all the other political prisoners * An explanation about the faith of the missing persons * Soldiers back to barracks * An end to the Orde Baru. Real democracy for the people Today we bring the representative of the Orde Baru regime in Holland a clear message. A message from Dutch youth: FREE DITA SARI! DOWN WITH HABIBIE/WIRANTO! DEMOCRACY NOW!"