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Okay..let's see,I *fixed* some of the older skins,so they now have the playlist/equalizer skin(and little minor adjustments here and there...)


Pretty in pink...

And here's wonderpudge,,,yoders kickass dog...

and here's one I made for ANIMAL...(if ur into that sorta thing...ewww ..sports...)

Here you go ,Sestini,,(this is a Giger in case you're wondering...)

Here's the Bowie I promised Hughie.....

Just thought this one turned out neat..

Here's a cat...erm...

and YES I am adding a Neil Diamond skin so the Diamond fans don't think im simply making fun of him(It's always the diamond fans,never the manson fans claiming i'm just making fun of them...)
oh and if you didn't sign the guestbook PLEASE DO,,
how the heck am I sposed to know if u were here or not??
(The guestbook on the main page that is, The Den)
