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who me...?

My name is Kate, and this is my first presence on the web. I was 2 years old when i started this prepubescent dissertation (in early 1998, so i'm six now!), and on this site I will share my life, thoughts, troubles, and ramblings, among other things (with the help of my dad). I have no idea what direction this may take, but I will attempt to make it visually pleasing and entertaining. Check out my links (there is a lot of cool stuff for kids) and look around my site. There are numerous pages with more to come; there are links to the other pages at the bottom of each page, and links to cool stuff scattered throughout. I might even let my dad make a few pages for himself. I will be adding stuff as often as I can. Comments are welcome, but be kind - remember I'm only a child, and I'm very sensitive ( could happen).

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