

Just a couple of things to remind you before you read this story... One; plagerism will NOT be tolerated (I've had problems with it before and were dealt with accordingly), two; comments and questions are always welcome, three; I do not know NSYNC, I'm not obsessed or crazy, I just like them and I like to write, four; Do not tell me I'm wrong in anything I write, it's my opinion... don't take it to the heart and five; it's just a story. This story is fictious and might be loosely based around events that have occured within their careers, but it's still fiction. Anything else is pure coincidental. Have a nice day :o)


::12:23:02:: Well, it's been a long time since I've written anything and I highly doubt anyone comes back here anymore... used to have quite a following *sniffle*. But anyways, this one's for you Sherry! *lifts pant leg up a few inches* Ever sick, yer my cuzin. Anyways girl, enjoy. There's more to come so keep checkin in.

Chapter One- Far, Far Away


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